Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

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About Us

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Mandate | Values & Ethics | Programs
Organization | Current Reports

A department of the Government of Canada, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) was established in 1987 under the provision of the Western Economic Diversification Act This link leaves our web site.. WD works to improve the long-term economic competitiveness of the West and the quality of life of its citizens by supporting a wide range of initiatives targeting three inter-related strategic priorities – Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Community Economic Development. Together, these three priorities create a foundation to build the prosperity and competitiveness of the West in the 21st century.


We promote the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada and advance the interests of the West in national economic policy.

Our Vision

A stronger West. A stronger Canada

Values and Ethics

We are committed to meeting the standards of the Government of Canada Public Service Values and Ethics Code. Our Values and Ethics Statement makes explicit the core values and ethics that guide us as public servants in our professional activities.


WD administers programs that advance innovation, entrepreneurship and community economic development in the four western provinces. This includes initiatives that are direct programs, delivered directly by WD, as well as the western component of a number of national programs.

In all our activities we use innovative partnerships with public and private sectors, other levels of government, academic and financial institutions, and research centres to make the most of our investment in Western Canada.


WD is headed by the Minister of Western Economic Diversification, Carol Skelton. The Deputy Minister is Oryssia Lennie.

WD Organizational Structure: Our head office is in Edmonton making us the only federal department headquartered in Western Canada. Regional offices are located in Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg and a liaison office in Ottawa. You may Contact Us at any of our offices by telephone, email, fax or write to us directly.

Current Reports

A large selection of publications, research papers and special reports is available electronically on our website, including:

  • Economic Research and Market Studies: Research papers on economic issues important to Western Canada.
  • Working with the West: General overview of WD's priorities and programs and how our activities have benefited communities across Western Canada.
  • Report on Plans and Priorities: Information on strategies, initiatives and planned results, including details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, as well as the budget estimates for our programs.
  • Performance Report: Notes achievements against the performance expectations and commitments as set out in WD's Report on Plans and Priorities.