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Video Message from

The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue and
Western Economic Diversification Canada

Small Business Week
October 15-21, 2006



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Small businesses are the engine of the West. That’s why Canada’s new government and Western Economic Diversification Canada, join you in celebrating Small Business Week 2006.

Small businesses are vital to the growth and prosperity of our communities - today and tomorrow. They account for 80 per cent of all new jobs in Western Canada and are generating a vibrant and competitive economy.

The achievements of western entrepreneurs and small businesses over this past year are impressive.  We are witnessing unprecedented growth in small business start-ups led by a diverse group of energetic and ambitious entrepreneurs. 

Hard-working men and women like you define the western Canadian spirit with your ingenuity, determination and courage. The combined impact of your willingness to take calculated risks pays huge dividends and creates a rewarding business environment.

Together with our partners, WD is proud to celebrate Small Business Week with you.  I encourage you to share your stories, learn from each other and continue your important contribution to our economy and quality of life.