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Alberta Projects That Make A Difference...

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Craniofacial Osseointegration and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Unit (COMPRU)'s Medical Modeling Research Laboratory (MMRL)
WD Investment: $999,627

The laboratory allows surgeons to create and examine three-dimensional virtual and physical models of a patient's head and neck areas.  The medical lab enables surgeons to prepare more precisely for reconstructive surgeries and improves treatments.  WD helped establish the lab by providing funding to the Caritas Health Group, operating in the Misericordia Community Hospital in Edmonton. This initiative contributes to medical advances that will improve quality of life.

MicroSystems Technology Research Institute (MSTRI)
WD Investment: $3.25 million

The institute supports pre-commercial research in microsystems, such as health and diagnostics equipment, sensors and devices. WD's two-phase investment includes the MicroFab, which enables researchers to build new micro-devices, and a second phase to accelerate awareness of microsystems and nanotechnologies, and their commercial potential. This second phase also identifies and funds prototype development projects. WD's contribution will advance leading-edge scientific research in the West.

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology's (SAIT) Centre for Innovative Information Technology Solutions (CIITS)
WD Investment: $2.5 million

The Centre helps companies adopt information technologies by providing business and process analysis.  It also provides a safe, vendor-neutral environment to learn and train, with leading-edge information technology products and systems. There are three components: the Training Cluster, the Solutions Simulation Pod and the Future Factory. Through these features, CIITS addresses training and development issues to increase efficiencies and addresses the lack of competitive knowledge of supply chains advantages.

WD's contribution will accelerate information technology knowledge and applications in the West.

Alberta Chamber of Resources (ACR)
WD Investment: $64,828

The Alberta Chamber of Resources (ACR) produced the “Learning from Experiences: Aboriginal Programs in the Resource Industries” guide for companies to identify successful Aboriginal programs in the resource sector. By surveying Chamber members and other organizations with Aboriginal programs, data was gathered to help companies design and implement their own Aboriginal initiatives. This information will help accelerate Aboriginal economic development.

Women Building Futures
WD Investment: $850,000

Women Building Futures (WBF) is a non-profit organization that helps women build better lives through training and mentorship. The organization recently expanded operations by purchasing a new training facility. The new facility will allow the organization to accept more women into training programs, creating more skilled workers for Alberta's construction industry. This initiative contributes to building a better quality of life and stronger communities.