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Western Canada Partnership Agreement in Alberta

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The purpose of the Agreement is to ensure the sustained and diversified growth of Alberta’s economy through federal and provincial cooperation.  Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Alberta each contributed $25 million.

This will increase:

  • Value-added opportunities for traditional resource industries
  • Rate of technology commercialization in Alberta
  • Public and private sector investment in research and development
  • Aboriginal participation in the Alberta economy
  • Foreign investment in Alberta
  • Competitiveness of Alberta-based businesses

Cost-shared initiatives fall under one of two themes:

Innovation and value-added industries:
Includes investments to strengthen these industries by supporting initiatives that contribute to increased capacity, awareness and use of new technologies and develop industry-specific research infrastructure and technology commercialization.

Regional and Community Economic Development:
Includes investments to improve the prosperity and quality of life in Alberta communities by supporting initiatives that contribute to a sustainable approach to regional development, with economic, environmental and social considerations.

Examples of projects supported by the WEPA include:

Alberta Innovation and Science
Western Canada Fuel Cell Initiative
The Alberta Energy Research Institute (AERI), on behalf of Alberta Innovation and Science, will establish and operate the Energy INet Alternative and Renewable Energy (Energy INet-ARE) Fuel Cell Program. This initiative will support the systemic investigation, evaluation, development and deployment of commercial “impure” hydrogen fuel cell technology.  It will operate under the Western Canada Fuel Cell Initiative, a network of western Canadian universities and the Alberta Research Council working on fuel cell and related technologies. Research will be carried out at the University of Alberta, University of Calgary and the Alberta Research Council.

University of Alberta
MicroSystems Technology Research Institute (MSTRI): Phase Two
MSTRI – Phase Two activities help to accelerate awareness of the microsystem and nanotechnology revolution and the commercial potential it offers.  It also identifies and funds early-stage microsystem and nanotechnology prototype development. This project is part of the MicroSystems Technology Research Institute -Phase One, funded under the previous Canada/Alberta Western Economic Partnership Agreement.

Aboriginal Council of Lethbridge
Aboriginal Opportunities Initiative
This initiative assists the Aboriginal Council of Lethbridge to increase Aboriginal participation in Lethbridge’s economy. It is part of an ongoing effort to provide more employment, business and economic development opportunities for Aboriginal people in Lethbridge.

For more information and a full list of projects funded under this agreement, please contact:

Western Economic Diversification Canada
Suite 1500, Canada Place
9700 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, AB
T5J 4H7
Phone: 780-495-4164
Fax: 780-495-4557
Toll free: 1-888-338-9378