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Francophone Economic Development Organizations

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Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) has helped create Francophone Economic Development Organizations (FEDOs) in order to support economic development of Francophone communities in western Canada.

The FEDOs work in western Canada with Francophone businesses and with organizations representing the Francophone community by offering a range of services in urban or rural settings. Such services include:

  • Business planning advice;
  • Personalized advisory and consultancy services for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
  • Support to firms looking for funding;
  • Marketing guidance and support;
  • SME personnel training;
  • Female entrepreneur coaching;
  • Entrepreneurship promotion in schools; and
  • Community economic development support.

Since 1998, the Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique (SDECB), the Francophone Economic Development organization (FEDO) in British Columbia has made a major contribution to creating, maintaining and developing a range of Francophone relations, services and activities designed to foster economic development in British Columbia. The SDECB encourages, stimulates and organizes the “French Component” of economic development in the province’s economy. 

For information:

Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique
220-1555, West 7th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6J 1S1

Telelphone:  (604) 732-3534
Fax:  (604) 732-3516
Email:  info@sdecb.com
Website: www.sdecb.com