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Vancouver Agreement

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The Vancouver Agreement (VA) is an urban development initiative between the governments of Canada, British Columbia, and the City of Vancouver.  It is an innovative partnership between governments, community organizations and business to make the city a healthy, safe, and sustainable place to live and work.  The agreement was originally signed in March 2000 as a five-year partnership.  Its success resulted in it being renewed in 2005 to continue through to 2010.

Western Economic Diversification Canada led negotiations with the City of Vancouver and the Province of British Columbia and now serves as the federal coordinator of the VA.   We work with twelve federal departments and participate on the agreement’s management committee, which oversees the strategic focus and planning of the program.  Western Economic Diversification Canada also provides funding, along with the provincial and municipal governments, to advance projects and initiatives that fall under the Vancouver Agreement’s strategic goals, especially related to economic development and revitalization.

View of Vancouver from the Silk Road, the first pedestrian walk connecting Chinatown to Downtown Vancouver. Clearly marked throughout with colourful banners and road signs, this self-guided walking tour-supported under the Vancouver Agreement-encompasses all of activities, services, and cultural highlights in the Downtown Eastside community of Chinatown.

The Vancouver Agreement has been recognized as a leading example of intergovernmental cooperation, and has been awarded several distinctions since the program began.  These awards recognize the innovative partnerships that facilitate the VA, and its ability to achieve long-term, sustainable solutions, including:

  • Gold medal for “Innovative Management” at the Institute of Public Administration conference (September 2004);
  • 2005 Partnership Award by the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (June 2005); and
  • The United Nations award for “Improving transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in the public service”  (June 2005)

Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is the main focus of the VA.  Community development projects offered through the VA are currently working to provide positive solutions to the economic, social and public safety challenges in the area.   Examples of projects occurring in the Downtown Eastside include small business development programs, housing initiatives, and skills training opportunities.

Discussions are currently underway in key urban centres such as Surrey, Prince George, and Victoria for potential urban development agreements to be developed in these areas.

For information, contact:

WD British Columbia
700- 333 Seymour Street,
Vancouver, BC  V6B 5G9
Telephone: 604-666-4723