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Canada Business: Small Business BC

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Canada Business is an initiative developed through federal-provincial agreements to provide a single, seamless gateway to information for businesses. In Western Canada, these centres are part of Western Economic Diversification Canada’s (WD) business service network, and have offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Saskatoon and Winnipeg.

In Vancouver, B.C., services provided by Canada Business are delivered through Small Business BC, a cooperative information portal supported by the federal and provincial government.  At Small Business BC, established and aspiring entrepreneurs may access a wide variety of information pertaining to starting and growing a business, exporting goods and registering a business.

Services delivered through Small Business BC include:

  • Business and name registration;
  • Seminars on a wide variety of business topics, including business management, marketing, e-commerce, business development, and more;
  • Assistance with the exporting process;
  • Help in employment practices;
  • Small Business Checkup: an online tool available to small business managers to assist them in improving their business performance;
  • A business resource library with over 6000 publications;
  • Market research services;
  • E-Business resources and start-up tools;
  • An Interactive Business Planner, where aspiring entrepreneurs are taken through the business planning process; and
  • Business plans reviews and feedback.

Small Business BC is operated primarily through its website: www.smallbusinessbc.ca .  Services are also available over the phone and in person.

For information, contact:      

Small Business BC
601 West Cordova Street
Vancouver, British Columbia 
Canada V6B 1G1

Telephone: 604-775-5525
Toll Free in BC: 1-800-667-2272
TTY (Teletypewriter): 711
(Long distance charges accepted)
Fax: 604-775-5520
Email: askus@smallbusinessbc.ca