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Business Services for You

Western Canada Business Service Network

Entrepreneurs: The Heart of the New West


Entrepreneurs: The Heart of the New West

British Columbia - Expanding Into Global Markets

Alberta - Growing a Healthy Economy

Saskatchewan - A Web of Business Successes

Manitoba - A Blueprint for a Brighter Future

Celebrating Western Entrepreneurs

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The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.

The West's small business owners are the heart of today's western economy, the lifeblood that keeps jobs and opportunities flowing to the region.

Even in the West, starting a new business is a challenge. From obtaining start-up financing to creating a business plan, there are a multitude of obstacles that can make or break a young venture.

Western Economic Diversification Canada helps westerners meet the challenges of entrepreneurship by supporting the Western Canada Business Service Network, a group of community-based organizations that provide small business owners with the answers they need to start and run successful ventures.

Today, some of the biggest questions entrepreneurs want answered relate to accessing export markets. With new technologies opening the doors to international markets for even the smallest and most remote businesses, many entrepreneurs are broadening their horizons well beyond their traditional local markets.

Here, too, the Western Canada Business Service Network can help. I invite you to read on to discover how it is strengthening the western economy, one small business at a time.

The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification

Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed

In the West, small business is big:  there are 40 per cent more small businesses in Western Canada than in the rest of the country, and they create nearly 80 per cent of all new jobs in the region.

As the federal department established to help the western economy grow and diversify, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) supports small business through its Western Canada Business Service Network (WCBSN). A unique partnership of several independent organizations, the network provides entrepreneurs with the resources they need to start, grow and expand their businesses. This network has more than 100 offices across the West.

In 2005, the partners in WD's Western Canada Business Service Network:

  • responded to 530,000 requests for information
  • provided 130,258 advisory services
  • trained 44,328 clients

Discover how our Business Service offices can assist you with starting or growing a business.

1 888 338-WEST (9378)

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