Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Economic Research and Market Studies : A Portrait of Small Business Growth and Employment in Western Canada

Portrait of Small Business in Western Canada


  • The number of small businesses in Western Canada per thousand population is 40% higher than in the rest of the country.

  • Enterprises with less than 5 employees account for 80% of all business entities.

  • During the 1990’s, the number of small businesses in Western Canada grew by 26,000 annually.

  • In the West, about 32% of small businesses produce goods and 68% produce services. This is significantly different from the 20% goods and 80% services shares in the rest of the country.

  • Self-employment is a larger share of total employment in Western Canada than in other parts of the country.

  • Small business births per member of the labour force are 42% higher than in other parts of the country.

  • Small business numbers per member of the labour force size are highest in the more rural regions of Western Canada.

  • The highest per capita density of high tech small business is in the Calgary economic region followed by the Edmonton, Wood Buffalo/Cold Lake, Red Deer, Vancouver/Lower Mainland, and Banff/Jasper/Rocky Mountain House regions.

  • One half of the numbers of self-employed men and women in Western Canada possess either a university degree or a post-secondary diploma.

  • There are two self-employed men for every self-employed woman but the number of self-employed women is growing at twice the rate of men.

  • Small business entities and small business jobs are growing most rapidly in the service sector.

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