Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

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What We Do

Western Economic Diversification Canada’s (WD) mandate is to promote the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada and advance the interests of the West in national economic policy. This mandate is delivered primarily through grants and contributions programs, which enable the department to contribute strongly to the productivity and competitiveness of the West. This is achieved through collaboration with partners including the private sector, other levels of government, academic and financial institutions, as well as research centres, to maximize investment in Western Canada and to create alternative sources of funding for commercial ventures. We also support the Western Canada Business Service Network, which provides over 100 points of service to assist new and existing entrepreneurs in cities and rural communities to create and grow their businesses.

What is WD’s Goal?

WD works to improve the long-term economic competitiveness of the West and the quality of life for its citizens by supporting a wide range of initiatives targeting three inter-related strategic priorities:

Innovation: Our investments are helping the region compete in the knowledge-based economy, creating a more diversified economic base and new skilled employment for western Canadians. Areas of focus are:

  • Technology adoption and commercialization,
  • Research and development,
  • Technology skills development, and
  • Knowledge infrastructure.

Entrepreneurship: WD helps build a more competitive and productive business sector throughout the West.  Our investments are targeted to assist small businesses and new entrepreneurs acquire the skills and resources they need to succeed, and strengthen their ability to compete in the global marketplace. Areas of focus are:

  • Improved business productivity,
  • Trade and investment,
  • Industry collaboration, and
  • Access to capital by small and medium-sized enterprises.

Community Economic Development: WD contributes to community economic development in urban centres and rural areas with initiatives that capitalize on opportunities for growth and development, and enable communities to adjust to challenges that hinder competitiveness and quality of life. Areas of focus are:

  • Community planning,
  • Community development,
  • Community economic adjustment, and
  • Infrastructure.

Together, these three priorities create a foundation that supports the long term success of the West. 
In addition to the department’s three strategic priorities, WD plays a strong role in policy, advocacy and coordination. Through research and policy development, the department builds knowledge and understanding of western issues and their impact on western competitiveness and quality of life.

What Information is Available?

To facilitate a better understanding of Western Canada, WD provides funding to support and disseminate research. A better understanding of the West results in regional and national policies that take into account western priorities and opportunities. These initiatives are helping to create a much better understanding of the economy and society of Western Canada, and the challenges Western Canada faces in sustaining a high quality of life for its citizens. A large selection of publications, research papers and special reports is available electronically on our Web site, including:

  • Report on Plans and Priorities: Information on strategies, initiatives and planned results, including details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, as well as the budget estimates for our programs.
  • Performance Report: Notes achievements against the performance expectations and commitments as set out in WD's Report on Plans and Priorities.

More About Us …

Visit our About Us section for more information about WD, including information on our Minister, the department’s structure, mandate and how you can contact us.