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British Columbia Infrastructure Programs

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Community infrastructure is vital to enhancing the quality of life for British Columbians while stimulating economic development.  By helping B.C. communities around our province improve roadways, water systems, recreational centres, and civic buildings, federal funding programs are helping communities meet growing infrastructure needs.

Western Economic Diversification Canada delivers several infrastructure programs to British Columbia: the Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program, the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Program, and the future Municipal Rural Infrastructure Program.

Municipal Rural Infrastructure Program

Signed by the governments of Canada and British Columbia in June 2006, the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Program will provide $102 million in combined funding to projects in communities across B.C.

Under the Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund agreement, the federal and provincial governments each committed $51 million, and participating local governments are expected to match this amount, for a total benefit to British Columbia of over $150 million.

A minimum of 80 per cent of funding will be targeted toward communities with a population under 250,000 people. At least 60 per cent of funding will assist with “green” projects helping rural communities and towns address drinking water supply, treatment and distribution needs; improve local wastewater and storm-water sewage treatment; enhance public transit and support environmental energy improvements. Up to 40 per cent of the remaining funding will support local roads, culture, tourism, recreation and connectivity projects.

The Canada - British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (CBCMRIF) was officially launched on October 12, 2006. B.C. communities can apply for funding at the CBCMRIF website: www.canadabcmrif.ca This link leaves our Web site. The deadline for all applications will be on January 31, 2007. It is anticipated all funding from the current agreement will be allocated by summer 2007.

Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program

Signed in 2000, the Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program (CBCIP) has invested over $800 million in communities around the province.  The objectives of the CBCIP include enhancing the quality of the environment through green projects, supporting long-term economic growth, and building 21st century infrastructure.

The application process for the Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program ended June 30, 2005.  A total of 312 projects received funding, with investments estimated to be over $900 million.  Since 2001, approximately $530 million in combined federal and provincial funding has been invested in these projects.  Of the total funding available, 75% was spent on local “green” infrastructure projects.  The remaining 25% of the funding was applied towards other priorities, such as improving community tourism, recreation, and transportation. 

Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund

The $4 billion Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF) complements Canada’s other infrastructure programs, but differs in its orientation.  Announced in 2001, CSIF responds to the needs of large-scale infrastructure projects across the country that are beyond the scope and capacity of other programs.

Investments are directed to large-scale projects of national and regional significance.  There are five investment categories: highways and railway infrastructure, local transportation, tourism and urban development infrastructure, water or sewage facilities, and broadband telecommunications.

Like other infrastructure programs, CSIF operates in partnership with other levels of governments and organizations, and provides no more than 50% of the total project’s budget.  Projects are selected in consultation with each province/territory to ensure that they reflect the priority needs of the region.

In British Columbia, Western Economic Diversification Canada is currently involved in delivering funding for the expansion of the Vancouver Convention Centre, which will ensure that maintains its status as one of the top convention destinations in the world.  The 1.1 million square foot expansion will triple the convention centre's existing capacity and help generate an additional $107 million in annual revenue from delegate spending for Vancouver.  The Convention Centre will be a showcase to the world when it is used as the media and broadcast centre for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. 

For information, contact:

WD British Columbia
700-333 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC  V6B 5G9
Telephone: 604-666-4723