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Home : Reports and Publications : Departmental Strategies : GOL 2004 Report

Government On-Line (GOL): Strengthening Results - Public Report 2004

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Departmental GOL Strategy Overview Information

Government On-Line Vision and Strategy

Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) Government On-Line (GOL) vision is to provide products and services to Western Canadians through all service delivery channels: in person, correspondence, fax, telephone, and the Internet. The on-line products and services will complement, not replace, existing methods of interacting with external clients. On-line services will be developed where it responds to client demand and is deemed cost-effective.

WD's GOL initiative is integrated into departmental programming and policy considerations. On-line products have been developed in support of the modified WD strategic outcome areas: Policy, Advocacy & Coordination; Sustainable Communities; and Entrepreneurship & Innovation. On-line business tools, workshop presentations and interactive guides are available to aid entrepreneurs. On-line submission guidelines are provided to enable access to business development programs. Both GOL services continue to be in alignment with the revised strategy.

Across all three strategic directions, WD uses partnerships with other levels of government, the private sector, universities, and communities to maximize the investment in Western Canada's most valuable resources - the talents, energies and ideas of its people. The goal of ensuring all Western Canadians including Aboriginals, youth, women, and residents of remote and northern communities have an opportunity to participate in and contribute to, the economic success of the region and our country, underlies all of our activities.

The opportunity to service citizens through WD programs is enhanced by the ongoing development of transactional services and the improved information sharing services on the WD public website. Government On-line objectives are achieved by moving the activities from a separate unit into mainstream decision-making. This ensures that as programs and services are evolved or new ones are developed, consideration regarding on-line delivery will naturally be included in the process. Accordingly, WD maintains its GOL activities as follows:

  • Grants and Contributions Funding Service – includes all programs delivered by the department that were reflected in 2003.
  • Information Sharing and Exchange Service - includes information particular to economic development within western Canada that has been developed by WD, often in partnership with other research organizations or industry associations.

Both services can be found at http:// www.wd-deo.gc.ca.

For further information, please contact:

Sabina Posadziejewski, I.S.P., MBA
Director, Information Management and Technology
telephone : 780.495.3549
fax : 780.495.3550
e-mail : sabina.posadziejewski@wd.gc.ca

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