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Working with the West

A stronger West.
   A stronger Canada
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Achieving results for the West

Ensuring sustainable western communities

Strengthening innovation in Western Canada

Improving business competitiveness in the West

Supporting the western advantage

Working in your community

Building A Stronger West

The West is well positioned to achieve its full economic potential within Canada and in the global marketplace. Its people, natural resources, scientific and technological innovation, and capacity for small business development ensure success in the 21st century economy.

On behalf of the Government of Canada and Prime Minister Stephen Harper, my focus as the Minister of Western Economic Diversification will be to build on the strengths of our regional development policy. An effective policy must continue to evolve to meet the needs of the West and its people. This will ensure a productive and competitive economy for today - and for the future. We will do this with full financial accountability for the investment that we make in the West.

We will do this by maintaining strong partnerships with provincial governments, municipalities, universities, and local business and community organizations, by balancing our commitments in the social and market economies, and by continuing to support three strategic priorities—innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable communities.
As you will read in the following pages, this approach enables us to be involved in both small community based projects and major leading-edge initiatives that contribute to the economic productivity of the West and the quality of life of western Canadians. At the same time, Western Canada is uniquely positioned to contribute to the national agenda in ways that will benefit all Canadians.

The Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan demonstrates how WD works to strengthen Western Canada’s innovation performance. Synchrotron light allows matter to be seen at the atomic scale, which makes it an essential tool in developing new technologies and applications. This facility has the potential to attract $35 million a year in commercial research and development from universities, the private sector and abroad.

In the area of entrepreneurship, direct services for small businesses are delivered through WD's Western Canada Business Service Network. In a typical year, these business service partners have provided more than $52 million in loans, which leveraged an additional $71.3 million from other sources. WD also delivers special programs for entrepreneurs with disabilities so that everyone has equal opportunity to realize their entrepreneurial potential.
By the end of 2008, Western Economic Partnership Agreements (WEPAs), cost-shared by the four western provincial governments and the Government of Canada, will have invested $360 million to foster increased economic activity and improve the quality of life in communities across Western Canada. These Agreements are expected to attract over a billion dollars in private sector investment and create about 270 new business ventures that will generate nearly 3,000 full-time jobs.

WD helps build and maintain sustainable communities through infrastructure agreements with each of the western provinces. WD has invested over $550 million for 1,638 projects under the Infrastructure Canada Program. The Department also delivers the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Program, which will invest another $278 million in western communities over the next five years. Funding will respond to locally-identified priorities and build the foundation for sustained long-term economic growth.

By building a stronger West, we are building a stronger Canada.

Minister Skelton

I invite you to read further to find out more.


The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue and
Minister of Western Economic Diversification

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