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Notes for an address by

The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue and
Western Economic Diversification Canada

Economic Partnership Agreement Funding Announcement
– Composites Innovation Centre

300 - 78 Innovation Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Monday, March 20, 2006

Corresponding Document: News release (2006-03-20)

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Thank you, Mr. Mckay, Minister Selinger, Ladies and gentlemen, bonjour.

It’s wonderful to be here on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada to participate in this important announcement. 

I am delighted to announce that the governments of Canada and Manitoba will be investing a total of $6.6-million over three years towards ongoing operations and composite research projects here at the Composites Innovation Centre (CIC).

The Government of Canada is committed to supporting science and technology and innovation, as an essential component of Canada’s future economic well-being.
This funding will ensure long-term economic and industrial growth. It mirrors the priorities of our Government to create jobs, opportunities and stronger communities.

Manufacturing is at the heart of the Manitoba economy. CIC was created because Manitoba has a number of industries that rely on the use of composites, or “advanced materials.” 

These industries range from manufacturers of medical devices, to civil engineers, the aerospace industry and the agricultural sector. Companies in Manitoba saw the need for strategic, targeted research and development to create composites that support the needs of local industries.

CIC is a great example of what can be accomplished when governments, industry, researchers and educational institutions come together.

Because CIC is a research facility here at the University of Manitoba’s Smartpark, it also serves as an important investment in post-secondary education. CIC provides opportunities for faculty members to do research, and gives students the chance to get practical, on-the job experience.

CIC also assists in the ongoing training and skills development of industry professionals through its “technology transfer” program. This program brings together engineers from Manitoba industries and shares with them the latest developments in composite technology. This program ensures that Manitoba is at the leading edge of technology, and that the composites built into their products can be exported around the world.

The applications of composite technologies are as diverse as the industrial sectors that use them. Many industries can benefit from materials that make their products lighter, stronger and longer lasting.

Well known uses of composite components include the ability to build more fuel-efficient planes and buses. Applications also include ultralight and super strong composite blades for wind turbines to produce renewable, environmentally-friendly energy.

When we consider the application of composites, we see they go well beyond the immediate benefits of training students and professionals. They boost Manitoba’s economy! Innovation makes our world a better place.

I am very pleased that this Government could play a role in contributing to the Composites Innovation Centre.

I thank you for your pioneering work seen here today. Together, we are laying the groundwork for greater accomplishments to come.

Thank you – Merci.