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Notes for an address by

The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue and
Western Economic Diversification Canada

Saskatoon Urban Development Agreement
First Project Funding Announcement

Saskatoon, Saskatachewan
March 24, 2006

Corresponding Document: News Release (2006-03-24)

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Thank you Daniel (Watson, MC).  Minister Forbes, Mayor Atchison, distinguished guests.  Good afternoon everyone. 

I’m glad to be here this afternoon on behalf of the Government of Canada and at one my first funding announcements as Minister of Western Economic Diversification. Especially when it’s so close to home.

Whether living in a large urban centre like Saskatoon, or in a small town like Rosetown, those of us who call Saskatchewan home take pride in our communities.

That’s why I am pleased to announce that the first project has been approved under the Urban Development Agreement, signed by the governments of Canada, Saskatchewan and Saskatoon.

My department, Western Economic Diversification Canada, or WD as we call it, is pleased to be contributing $365,340 to the cleanup of three city lots in the Pleasant Hill neighbourhood … right here in my Riding of Saskatoon-Rosetown- Biggar.

This project supports the renewal, by the community, of an older neighbourhood. It will bring the site back to better environmental standards and clear the way for positive future development. It will result in a healthier community.  

Those of us here today know that when Saskatchewan people see someone in need, we act. And we act through channels such as the Saskatoon Urban Development Agreement, under which three levels of government collaborate with non-profit organizations and community associations. We work so hard to make our communities strong, safe and environmentally sound places to live.

Thanks to the City for its work on this project and to the province for its participation.

Best wishes to Pleasant Hill residents, my constituents, my neighbours and my friends.

Thank you.