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Notes for an address by

The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue and
Western Economic Diversification Canada

Canadian Light Source
"Phase II Beamlines"

Saskatoon, Saskatachewan
March 31, 2006

Corresponding Document: News Release (2006-03-31)

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Good afternoon.  Acknowledge MC (Daniel Watson) and other speakers (Minister Eric Cline and Dr. Thomlinson), and guests.

I am very pleased to be here again at this Canadian Light Source synchrotron. I’m very impressed with the facility and amazed at the construction going on. After all, the construction is why we’re here today.

First, I would like to re-iterate the fact that over the coming weeks and months, the Government of Canada will focus on five key priorities for Canadians. This Government is committed to:

  • cleaning up government by enacting and enforcing the Federal Accountability Act;
  • lowering taxes for working Canadians; starting by reducing the GST;
  • protecting Canadian families and communities by strengthening the justice system;
  • supporting parents’ child care choices through direct assistance; and by creating more daycare spaces; and
  • delivering the health care that Canadians and the people of Saskatchewan need, when they need it, by establishing a patient wait times guarantee with the provinces.

This amazing structure - which houses the only synchrotron in Canada - will also contribute to healthier communities, and a better quality of life. The Government of Canada is investing in facilities that will maximize Canada’s unlimited potential in applied research.

Western Economic Diversification Canada will invest 3.5 million dollars to construct seven new phase two beamlines at the Canadian Light Source. This complements the 1.5 million dollars WD announced at the grand opening of the CLS. 

Western Economic Diversification Canada’s total investment in these seven new beamlines is five million dollars. Federal funding will flow through the Canada-Saskatchewan Western Economic Partnership Agreement.

WD’s support for these beamlines is based on their use for industrial purposes and practical commercial applications. This reflects the Government of Canada’s priorities to create jobs, opportunities and prosperous communities.

Our Government’s philosophy is that increased promotion of applied research is an essential component of Canada’s future economic well being.  The Government of Canada is committed to economic development in all regions of the country. 

But naturally, as Minister of Western Economic Diversification, my priority is to focus on projects that will benefit western Canadians.

I am extremely proud of the research facilities we have in this province - particularly those at the U of S and Innovation Place. I do not pretend to understand the science behind the research at the Canadian Light Source…

…But I can appreciate the idea of synchrotron technology “shedding new light” on the composition of materials and objects.

There are numerous practical, everyday uses for the new beamlines including:

    • diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions including cancer;
    • wear-resistant coatings for engines;
    • molecular design of new drug therapies; and
    • the development of new micro and nano devices such as fibre optic connectors and implanted hearing aids.

The future looks bright for every Canadian who will benefit from this expanded research. Whether it is enhanced medical diagnostics, new drug therapies or the practical applications of reduced engine wear on our vehicles, Canadians will see personal and practical benefits from this research in their daily lives.

It is my job - and why I am here today - to relay that message to you - my constituents.

I look forward to continuing the good working relationship I have with my provincial and municipal colleagues. I have also been meeting WD’s partners such as universities, and Saskatchewan economic development organizations.

As the provincial representative in Cabinet, my first priority is to serve my constituents and to represent your interests in the House of Commons. If we work together and take a common sense approach to issues, we will build a stronger west, a stronger Canada.

Thank you.