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Notes for an address by

The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue and
Western Economic Diversification Canada

British Columbia Institute of Technology

Burnaby, B.C.
July 12, 2006

Corresponding Document: News Release (2006-07-12)

Check Against Delivery .

Thank you Jim. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure to be here in beautiful British Columbia on behalf of the Government of Canada and as Minister responsible for Western Economic Diversification.

As you know, Canada’s new Government made five key promises to Canadians and Budget 2006 is delivering on those promises:

  • A responsible government system that is accountable to Canadians;
  • A reduction in the GST and lower taxes for working Canadians, which happened on July 1;
  • A strengthened justice system that emphasizes the safety of Canadian families and communities;
  • A Universal Child Care Benefit to support the choices parents make; and,
  • A manageable and cost-effective health care system that is available to you when you really need it.

Our Government also places importance on investments in skills development, research and development—the drivers of our future economic well-being.

The British Columbia Institute of Technology is known for its high standards in research and educational programs.

That is why I am pleased to announce an investment that will continue the Institute’s tradition of innovative and groundbreaking approaches to research, development and commercialization. 

Western Economic Diversification Canada will contribute $507,000 to the British Columbia Institute of Technology to establish two new research and industry liaison offices.

These offices will link private sector partners with academic researchers to develop and commercialize new technology.

The new Research Services Office will update and manage BCIT’s applied research and intellectual property policies and programs. 

The Polytechnic Industry Liaison Office will strengthen the Institute’s industry liaison division and help provide a “front door” for companies that have an interest in partnering with BCIT on technology development initiatives.

Canada is well known for engaging in world-class research, such as:

  • Mapping the SARS virus…
  • Conducting innovative research at Canada’s first synchrotron at the University of Saskatchewan…
  • Leading the way in composite technologies research at the Composites Innovation Centre at the University of Manitoba’s Smartpark.

But to remain competitive in this ever-changing 21st century economy, it is clear that we must transform great ideas into marketable products and services.

This is exactly what this initiative is doing!

By connecting academics with private industry, opportunities are created that move research from concept directly to the shop floor.

This process of commercialization is vital to Canada’s economic growth and prosperity in the 21st century.

Congratulations on your new research and industry liaison offices.

My colleagues and I look forward to the economic growth and prosperity it will bring to BCIT, the West and all Canadians.

Thank you.