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News Release

For Release
August 8, 2006

New Outreach Patrol to Hit Winnipeg Downtown Streets

Winnipeg, Manitoba – Downtown Winnipeg may soon feel safer and present a friendlier image under a program that will put special constables on downtown street patrol. The Winnipeg Partnership Agreement is contributing $1,005,000 towards the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ Outreach Patrol, a four-year pilot project.

Scott Smith, Manitoba Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade, Rod Bruinooge, MP for Winnipeg South, on behalf of Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada, and Mayor Sam Katz, made the announcement today.

“The Outreach Patrol project will focus on building relationships with at-risk individuals and will connect them with the appropriate programs and services,” said Smith. “Safety is our main priority – for these individuals and for those who live, work in and visit downtown Winnipeg.”

“Canada’s new government is committed to ensuring Canadians are safe in their homes and in their cities,” said Bruinooge. ”The Outreach Patrol is an excellent example of the intervention and enforcement programs we believe are essential to creating a safer community.”

“This project will make downtown Winnipeg a better place to live, work and visit,” said Katz. “We are pleased to support a project that builds on other safety initiatives in the downtown, including the Downtown Watch Program and the Aboriginal Ambassador Program.”

The Outreach Patrol will engage in prevention, intervention and enforcement strategies in dealing with intoxicated and disorderly persons. The Winnipeg Police Service and the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ will provide training, which is scheduled to begin in October. It will include cultural sensitivity, conflict resolution, and CPR and First Aid. Outreach Patrol members will also receive information on appropriate referral services and shelters for homeless and at-risk individuals.

The funds announced today are under Component III – Downtown Renewal of the Winnipeg Partnership Agreement. This component program supports projects that encourage downtown living and stimulate strategic economic and cultural initiatives in the downtown.

The Winnipeg Partnership Agreement was signed in May 2004 and represents a five-year, $75-million commitment by the governments of Canada, Manitoba and Winnipeg to strengthen our neighbourhoods, promote economic development and enable Aboriginal citizens to fully enjoy Winnipeg’s economic and social opportunities. Interested parties are encouraged to consult the Web site www.winnipegpartnership.mb.ca This link leaves our Web site for program details.

Federal funding for these projects is included in the fiscal framework. Western Economic Diversification Canada is the federal department responsible for administering this agreement.

For additional information, contact:

Jacquie Sippola
Communications Officer
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Tel: (204) 983-0280
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Graham Gork
Communications Coordinator
Communications Services
(204) 945-5795

Brad Salyn
Press Secretary
Office of the Mayor
City of Winnipeg
(204) 986-4003

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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