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News Release

For Release
August 31, 2006

Government of Canada Boosts Genomics Research Facilities in British Columbia

VANCOUVER, B.C. — Life sciences research in British Columbia will receive a substantial boost with an investment of $1.25 million from Western Economic Diversification Canada. Genome British Columbia will use the funds to acquire state-of-the-art DNA sequencing and mapping technologies and strengthen its genome sequencing and technology development capabilities.

Dr. Marco Marra, Minister Chuck Strahl and Dr. Moira Quayle pose with Dr. Sharon Goreski at the Genome Sciences Centre


“In the constantly evolving field of scientific research and development, Canada must have access to leading-edge technologies” said the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister of the Canadian Wheat Board on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification. “These investments will help British Columbia and Canada develop a leadership role in genomics research and provide more learning opportunities for students and researchers alike.”

"Our government, under the leadership of Premier Gordon Campbell, is committed to investing in research and innovation," said Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell. "Genome British Columbia is producing ground-breaking discoveries that will benefit our natural resource industries, our environment, our agricultural industry and the future health of our population."

“Western Economic Diversification Canada’s investments of $1.25 million will enable Genome BC to significantly expand the Genomics and Technology Development platforms capabilities,” says Dr. Alan Winter, President and CEO of Genome BC. “Ongoing investments in new technologies are critical to keeping Genome BC science platforms cutting-edge and globally competitive.”

Genome BC is adding new equipment to the Technology Development platform at UBC and creating satellite technology development facilities for science platforms at other area centres. Genome BC will also purchase and install the next generation DNA Sequencing Technology to support computing infrastructure at the Genome Science Centre.

Western Economic Diversification Canada is the federal department mandated to support economic diversification in communities across Western Canada.

For additional information, contact:

Karl Yeh
Communications Advisor
Western Economic Diversification Canada
(604) 666-4714
Web site: www.wd.gc.ca

Mike Winterburn
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification
(613) 995-2960

Paul Woolley
Communications Director
Ministry of Advanced Education
250 952-6508
Web site: www.gov.bc.ca

Linda Bartz
Communications Director
Genome British Columbia
(604) 637-4373

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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