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News Release

For Release
June 2, 2006

Local Business learn from International Business how to be more Competitive

Regina, Saskatchewan — From June 4th to 7th, senior executives from International Financial Institutions (IFI) and large multi-national firms are in Regina to teach Saskatchewan, and Canadian businesses, how to successfully compete for global contracts.

Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP), in partnership with Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD), is hosting the second of a four-part workshop series to give Western Canadian firms the edge when bidding on IFI financed procurement.

“In a global economy, successful businesses must seek markets beyond their provincial or national borders,” said the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification. “The knowledge businesses take away from these training sessions will enable them to increase sales and help to create employment opportunities.”

WD has invested $180,000 over four years to host a workshop in each of the western provinces to introduce western Canadian businesses to new international markets. They will have the opportunity to learn from World Bank Group specialists how to prepare, write and submit winning proposals.

Last year’s workshop was held in Alberta; the next two workshops will be held in Manitoba and British Columbia in 2007 and 2008. Each workshop expands on the previous session and focuses on strengthening proposal preparation, targeting strategic partnerships and highlighting successful firms working abroad.

STEP is a public-private partnership led by industry that works with Saskatchewan businesses to maximize commercial success in global ventures. STEP was created to provide trade development, custom market research and access to export financing for Saskatchewan exporters.

For more information on the IFI Bootcamp workshop, visit: http://www.sasktrade.sk.ca/bootcamp.shtml. This link leaves our Web site

For additional information, contact:

Fiona MacLeod
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National
Revenue and Minister of Western
Economic Diversification Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Joanne Mysak
Manager, Communications
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 975-5942

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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