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News Release

For Release
June 20, 2006

Two Pilot Projects Benefit Urban Aboriginal Families in Calgary

Calgary, Alberta — The Government of Canada approved $140,000 in Urban Aboriginal Strategy funding towards the Awo Taan Native Women’s Shelter Society’s Paediatric Wellness Clinic and the Native Counselling Services of Alberta’s Aboriginal Parenting Program.

The Awo Taan Native Women’s Shelter Society’s Paediatric Wellness Clinic received $64,694 in Urban Aboriginal Strategy funding, that will be used to hire a registered nurse and enhance family centered services. Urban Aboriginal infants and youth residing in the shelter will now have daily access to healthcare services, reducing the current care gap in medical assistance.

The Native Counselling Services of Alberta’s Aboriginal Parenting Program received $74,640 in Urban Aboriginal Strategy funding to develop a practical parenting course to increase family functionality. Based upon the teachings of the medicine wheel, the program takes into account the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing of the family. The goal of this pilot project is to reduce the number of urban Aboriginal people who require Child Welfare services and to provide participants with access to community resources.

“The Government of Canada, through the Urban Aboriginal Strategy, is committed to improving the quality of life for Calgary’s urban Aboriginal people,” said the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians. “Pilot projects such as these are examples of how community identified needs can be addressed through community partnerships.”

"Canada’s new Government supports initiatives that assist Calgary’s urban Aboriginal children and families in addressing their socio-economic needs,” said the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification. “Additional healthcare services and tools to strengthen families are important in building strong and healthy urban Aboriginal communities.”

“Awo Taan Native Women’s Shelter is committed to building a safe and healthy community by providing safe accommodation, supportive counseling and referrals to all women and children who are fleeing physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse,” said Josie Nepinak, Executive Director for the Awo Taan Native Women’s Shelter Society. “In partnership with the Government of Canada and the Native Counseling Services of Alberta, we are able to provide enriched programs to a larger number of Aboriginal clients.”

“Native Counseling Services of Alberta is proud to announce our community partnership with Awo-Taan Native Women's Shelter’s Family Wellness - Parent Link Centre through support by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Urban Aboriginal Strategy enabling us to offer the Aboriginal Parenting Program, “ said Colin Campbell, Regional Supervisor for the Native Counseling Services of Alberta. “We developed the Aboriginal parenting program in response to the need of the Aboriginal community in 1980 and have successfully delivered this unique sensitive program in various areas of the province. This program is made possible through the wonderful partnerships we have developed within this community.”

For additional information, contact:

Fiona MacLeod
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National
Revenue and Minister of Western
Economic Diversification Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Josie Nepinak
Executive Director
Awo Taan Native Women’s Shelter Society
Tel: (403) 531-1970 ext 202

Donna Kinley
Communications Manager
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Edmonton, Alberta
Tel: (780) 495-6892

Ann Desmeules
Regional Manager
Native Counseling Services of Alberta – Aboriginal Parenting Program
Tel: (403) 237-7850

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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