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News Release

For Release
September 12, 2006

Moose Jaw Crescent Park Fountain centennial event

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan — Dave Batters, Member of Parliament for Palliser, on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, signalled the near completion of construction on Moose Jaw’s centennial projects with the first official burst of water from the new fountain in Crescent Park.

“Young or old, male or female, resident or visitor, everyone can enjoy the improvements to numerous sporting and recreational facilities,” said Batters. “Canada’s new government is building strong and healthy communities which encourage family physical fitness.”

“The City of Moose Jaw is extremely thankful to the Government of Canada for their assistance in making it possible to further beautify our city and promote physical fitness through the Canada Celebrates Saskatchewan initiative,” said Mayor Al Schwinghamer. “The 15 projects will benefit a cross section of Moose Jaw residents ranging from toddlers to seniors. We are able to improve and upgrade facilities to make them accessible to everyone. The projects allow us to promote a healthy lifestyle that will benefit all of Moose Jaw.”

Through Western Economic Diversification Canada’s (WD) centennial initiative, the City of Moose Jaw received $642,620 to commemorate and celebrate the province’s 100th birthday. The City of Moose Jaw directed the funds to 15 separate projects to maximize the tangible results of the federal investment and to create a lasting legacy to benefit all Moose Jaw residents.

Canada Celebrates Saskatchewan was a community-based, grassroots initiative designed to commemorate Saskatchewan’s 100th birthday. This province-wide initiative enabled communities to undertake capital projects to improve or upgrade civic facilities and created a permanent legacy of the province’s centennial for future generations.

For additional information, contact:

Mike Winterburn
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Jean Collins
Communications Officer
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 975-5965

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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The City of Moose Jaw allocated the Canada Celebrates Saskatchewan centennial funds to the following projects:

Project Description Details WD funding
Pottery Club Equipment purchases associated w/ facility expansion/re-location $11,334
Tennis Club New equipment - court divider, on-court scoreboard & tennis ball machine $7,100
Kinsmen Sportsplex Two competitive diving boards $31,183
Crescent Park Fountain New two-tier structure & lighting $36,870
Crescent Park Playground Upgrades to make equipment accessible to people w/ disabilities $50,000
Water Spray Park New feature in existing park $100,112
South West Trail system Pave 1.5 km $101,500
Bell Park upgrades Install lighting, benches, basketball court, play structure & walking/bike path $70,000
Rotary Park lighting Install lighting to extend usage $101,808
Park Hill playground upgrades Construct building to house a shelter, washrooms, change rooms, etc. $18,360
Seniors Assoc. Purchase 2 dollies & 200 chairs $3,353
Vanier Collegiate Labyrinth of Peace $5,000
Prince Arthur community school Outdoor classroom w/ benches, gazebo & picnic tables $17,000
Downtown streetscape Install new benches, bike racks & garbage receptacles $65,000
Bleachers Purchase 6 portable bleachers for use at several community facilities $24,000