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Home : Reports and Publications : Economic Research and Market Studies : Saskatchewan's State of Trade

Market Profiles

This section provides market profiles of Saskatchewan's top international trade partners plus other emerging and mature markets.1 The 14 markets profiled in this section accounted for 90% of Saskatchewan's exports of goods and 98% of Saskatchewan's imports of goods in 2003. The top destinations of Saskatchewan exports of goods within this group of countries in 2003 were the US, the EU 25, Japan, China, and Mexico. The fastest growing markets for Saskatchewan exports over the period 1999 to 2003 were Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Russia. These markets have been the focus of significant market development efforts by Saskatchewan exporters.


2.4 M sq km
32 M (2004)
Population Growth Rate
US$196 B (2003)
Real GDP Growth Rate
5.5% (2004)
GDP per Capita (PPP)
US$6,000 (2003)
Inflation Rate
3.6% (2004)
Structure of Economy
GDP Shares (2003): agriculture 10%, industry 57%, services 33%
Ranked 71 st out of 104 countries in 2004 Growth Competitiveness Index
Major Trade Partners
Total Exports of US$24.6 B in 2003, US 20%, Italy 19%, and France 13%
Total Imports of US$13.5 B in 2003, France 24%, Italy 9%, and Germany 6%
Top Exports and Imports
Exports 2003: crude oil, natural gas (liquid) and natural gas (gas)
Imports 2003: durum, medicine, and bars and rods
SK's Exports To
SK's total exports to Algeria were $177 M in 2003, durum exports were $148 M
SK's Imports From
SK's total imports from Algeria were $2,6000 in 1999 (veneer sheets)
Export Opportunities
Wheat, durum, vegetable oil, grain mill equipment and controls, and equipment for enhanced oil recovery


7.7 M sq km
19.9 M (2004)
Population Growth Rate
US$570.3 B (2003)
Real GDP Growth Rate
3.4% (2004)
GDP per Capita (PPP)
US$28,900 (2003)
Inflation Rate
3% (2004)
Structure of Economy
GDP Shares (2003): agriculture 3.5%, industry 26%, services 70%
Ranked 14 th out of 104 countries in 2004 Growth Competitiveness Index
Major Trade Partners
Total Exports of US$70.2 B in 2003, Japan 18%, US 9%, and China 8%
Total Imports of US$84.5 B in 2003, US 16%, Japan 13%, and China 11%
Top Exports and Imports
Exports 2003: coal, semi-manufactured gold and crude oil
Imports 2003: crude oil, automobiles, and medicine
SK's Exports To
SK's total exports to Australia were $51 M in 2003, agricultural equipment and parts dominate
SK's Imports From
SK's total imports from Australia were $3.4 M in 2003
Export Opportunities
Information technology services, travel and tourism, biotechnology, agricultural equipment, and food products


1 The following information sources were used: Export Development Canada, CIA Fact Book, Statistics Canada, World Economic Forum, Global Edge, Trade Map Canada, and the US Consular Service Country Guides.

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