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Home : Reports and Publications : Economic Research and Market Studies : Profile of Small and Medium-Sized Exporters in B.C.

A Profile of Small and Medium-Sized Exporters (SMXs)
in British Columbia - 2002

International Markets

The United States is by far the most important market for SMXs in British Columbia, both in terms of the number of SMXs exporting to that country and also as a source of export revenues. Over 85% of SMXs in the province shipped to the United States in 2000, compared to only 18% for all of Asia and 8% for Western Europe.10 The proportion of SMXs shipping to the United States has increased from 81% in 1996, while there are proportionately fewer SMXs exporting to Asia (25% in 1996). This is likely due to the economic difficulties experienced by many Asian countries over the last few years, particularly Japan, which have reduced demand for imports of products from British Columbia.

Figure 18

The bulk of British Columbia SMXs export to the United States and this proportion has increased over the last five years from 81% in 1996 to over 85% in 2000

Number of BC SMXs by Market, 2000

Source: Statistics Canada


For large exporters the United States was also the most significant destination country (88%), but Asia (46%), Western Europe (31%) and other non-European countries (31%) were also important. Similar to SMXs, companies exporting to Asia declined 10 percentage points from 56% in 1996.

The number of SMXs exporting to the United States increased at an average annual compound rate of 1.7% over the 1996 to 2000 period, growing from 3,619 in 1996 to 3,878 in 2000. Over 300 fewer SMXs shipped to Asia in 2000 compared to 1996, an average annual decline of 7.8%. SMXs shipping to Eastern Europe, already a small number to begin with, declined by an average of 12.7% annually from 1996 to 2000.

Figure 19

The number of SMXs exporting to the United States has grown over the
1996-2000 period, while there are fewer SMXs shipping to other destinations

Growth in SMXs in BC by Destination of Exports, 1996-2000

Source: Statistics Canada

The bulk of SMX exports from British Columbia are shipped to the United States. Just over $2.2 billion, or 80% of SMX shipments were destined for the United States in 2000. This is up from 72% in 1996. Asian countries were the destination for $377 million worth of goods (14%) in 2000, which is a significant decline from 1996 when almost 19% of SMX exports were shipped to Asia.

Figure 20

By far the majority of SMX exports are shipped to the United States

British Columbia SMX Export Dollar Value
by Destination, 2000

Source: Statistics Canada

For large exporters, the United States also receives the majority of goods shipped (63%) with over $19 billion in merchandise sold to the Americans, but Asian countries were the destination of almost a quarter of large exporters' shipments with approximately $7.3 billion in goods shipped to Asia.

SMX exports to the United States experienced strong growth over the 1996 to 2000 period, increasing at an average annual compound rate of almost 10%. Exports to Asia declined at an average annual rate of 2.4%, while shipments to Western Europe oscillated up and down over the period, ending up with almost the same value in 2000 as in 1996.

Figure 21

The value of SMX exports to the United States has increased significantly from 1996 to 2000, while the value of exports to Asian destinations has slipped

Growth in Value of BC SMX Exports by Destination, 1996-2000

Source: Statistics Canada

See technical notes #7 and #9.

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