Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Risk-Based Review of WD’s Project M&P; Function - Nov 2003

Appendix A: Voting Results by Risk (cont'd)

Group: Project Assessment (Rated as a group)


  1. Project assessment, including risk assessment, inappropriate or inappropriately performed.
  2. Project assessment tools and forms (e.g. DDR) vague and cumbersome.
  3. Intended outcomes not clear and measurable.
  4. Project assessment activities not linked to the individual project risk identified.
  5. Insufficient or excessive due diligence on proponents' longevity and credibility (as necessary), and project eligibility.
  6. Project review committee does not exist.

Risk Rating:


Risk Assessment
  • These risks pertain primarily to assessing and approving projects
  • The risks only affect M&P when Terms and Conditions ("Attachment A") do not clearly define project and eligible expenditures, and project risk is not appropriately assessed
Controls Ref. Description
1. M&P involvement in defining Attachment A to ensure subsequent claims can be processed without question of eligibility
2. Multiple reviews and approvals by management and executive to ensure project eligibility and output/outcome measurability
3. Documentation to assist Project Development Officers assess project eligibility (I.e. Program-level Results-Based Management and Accountability Frameworks, Logic Model, Guideposts)
14. Risk assessment forms used to standardize risk assessment process
  15. Enhancement identification and implementation process for on-line Project Assessment Tool (including enhancements to the DDR)
Deficiencies Description Rec.
Limited training specifically on structuring Terms and Conditions ("Attachment A")
Project review committees not used across all regions
Risk elements in risk assessment form may not be true determinants of client or project risks
Results-Based Management and Accountability Frameworks only approved for two programs
Project Development Officers and M&P Officers not formally trained on new Results-Based Management and Accountability Frameworks and performance measurement G


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