Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Risk-Based Review of WD’s Project M&P; Function - Nov 2003

Appendix A: Voting Results by Risk (cont'd)

Group: Information Systems Management (Rated as a group)


  1. Lack of appropriate management information reporting system.
  2. Lack of an effective project management system (e.g. system to route workflow, link to GX, capture key data and dates, support outcome reporting, track proposals not approved, support project monitoring, and prompt and track site visits).
  3. Information in GX inaccurate and incomplete.
  4. Lack of effective use of information technology capability (e.g. use of Intranet to distribute policies and forms).

Risk Rating:


Risk Assessment
  • While interviewees were generally confident in the financial information in GX, they recognized a need for better project information and project management support
Controls Ref. Description
18. InfoQuest allows users to generate pre-defined reports using information from GX
19. GX captures important project information, including a project description, program, commitments and cashflow, disbursements, and project status
20. Project information is initially entered into GX through an interface with PAT (DDR). This information is reviewed and approved by at least one manager
21. Finance is required to verify data in GX prior to providing Section 32 and Section 33 approvals
22. InfoQuest contains limited error checking or exception reports that can be used to identify possible errors or missing information in GX
23. The on-line project assessment tool (PAT) ensures all regions use a standard Due Diligence Report and Project Approval Record
24. Each region has an Intranet site through which it can make polices and forms available to its M&P officers
Deficiencies Description Rec.
InfoQuest does not allow ad hoc reporting and does not include management reports (e.g. exception reports, summary reports, trend and comparison reports, activity reports)
GX does not support project management by routing work (e.g. approvals), tracking proposals not approved, prompting and tracking monitoring activities, providing exception reporting, and capturing outcome measures
Project coding information is often incorrect. Some codes (e.g. "Sustainable Communities") are not yet available in GX pending their further definition and implementation
WD does not distribute current and standard versions of M&P-specific policies and forms to all regions using the Intranet
With the exception of one region, regional offices do not make effective use of the Intranet to ensure its officers have access to current policy documents and forms
WD does not have a system to track and aggregate performance-related information


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