Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Canada - B.C. Infrastructure Program Internal Audit Report

Observations and Recommendations

4.G Project Completion

Ensure project/recipient compliance with all contract requirements. When the project has been completed there are certain requirements that must be met by the recipients. The Secretariat will review documentation from the recipient to ensure that they have complied with all conditions of the contract.

As of February 2003, no projects had been completed.

CAC noted, however, that both MCAWS and MCSE have standard forms and processes in place to monitor project completion.

In addition, MCSE has a 10% holdback on projects being delivered by non-governmental organizations to ensure that the project is complete and that all expenditures have been correctly accounted for prior to the final payment.


There are no recommendations related to project completion at this early stage of the program.

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