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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of WD's Sustainable Development Strategy 2000-2004

APPENDIX A: Terms of Reference


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Evaluation of WD's Sustainable Development Strategy 2000-2004

Project Authority

Robert Bellehumeur
Director, Audit and Evaluation
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Canada Place
1500, 9700 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 4H7
Tel: 780) 495-6917
Fax: 780) 495-6223
Email: robert.bellehumeur@wd.gc.ca

The Project Authority will closely manage the evaluation work performed by the individual or firm contracted by Western Economic Diversification (WD) to conduct the evaluation.


The evaluation is expected to deliver timely, useful, relevant and credible information on the continued relevance of the department's integration of sustainable development into policies and programs, the impacts they are producing and the opportunities for advancing the strategy as a departmental priority. The evaluation is expected to produce timely and pertinent findings that managers and other stakeholders can use with confidence in developing the SDS 2003.

The purpose of the evaluation project is to provide senior management with an independent examination and assessment of the SDS 2000, advising on its relevance, success and effectiveness. It also is a requirement by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to evaluate the effectiveness of the past strategy to strength the development of a new strategy.

Objectives of the Evaluation

The evaluation is to assess whether WD met its obligations to SDS 2000 and provide considerations for the development of SDS 2003. The Sustainable Development Implementation Team (SDIT) requires an objective perspective to identify gaps in meeting obligations and what can be learned through the process of SDS 2000 towards the development of SDS 2003.

Scope of the Evaluation

Sustainable Development Strategies (SDS) are expected be incorporated into departments activities, be considered in decision-making processes, and included in program delivery. With the expectations from the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD) to advance the priority to implement change, looking backwards is an important step in understanding how far we have come and what needs to be done in order to move forward.

SD is achieving the balance between economic, social, and environmental developments that contribute to a better quality of life. The achievement is seen in broad outcomes (or ultimate benefits) of positive changes in economic growth and job creation; sustainable, self-reliant communities; the development and diversification of local economies; healthy vibrant communities, and safeguarding the natural resources and environment currently enjoyed by all Western Canadians.

The scope of this evaluation shall encompass the relevance, success and effectiveness of WD's SDS 2000.

The Relevance and Success of SDS 2000

The relevance of WD's SDS 2000 is to determine whether the strategy was successfully implemented and the outcomes achieved. The strategy's success will be determined by the following questions:

  • were the goals and targets developed clear and measurable,
  • were the targets worthwhile pursuing, too ambitious/not ambitious enough,
  • were the targets met, why or why not,
  • what were the outcomes and/or barriers
  • what has the department learned, and
  • what needs to be addressed in SDS 2003?

Cost Effectiveness of SDS 2000

Cost-effectiveness issues revolve around whether the most appropriate and efficient means were being used to achieve SDS objectives - particularly relative to alternative horizontal activities of relevant priority to WD and its partners.

Managing the Evaluation


The Project Authority together with the Director(s) responsible for SDS 2000 will co-chair and decide on the direction for the evaluation. The Project Authority is responsible for directing and managing the execution of the evaluation in accordance with WD's approved Policy on Evaluation and the TB Evaluation Policy.


The evaluation of the SDS 2000 will conform to the current Evaluation Policy published by the Treasury Board of Canada and the evaluation standards contained therein.


Resources for this project will be provided through Audit and Evaluation by contracting the evaluation out to an individual(s) or firm with appropriate evaluation knowledge and experience. As time is of the essence in this project, A&E may provide additional internal resources as required and warranted.

Ideally, the individual or firm contracted will:

  • Have knowledge of the subject matter, including: SDS in general; WD's structure and mandate; and the Government of Canada's priority to SD;
  • Be able to provide equivalent services in both official languages during the project;
  • Have past experience in conducting evaluations in the federal government environment that include elements of shared jurisdictional responsibility;
  • Be familiar with client consultation and interviewing techniques;
  • Have good communication skills;
  • Be expected to work within the time constraints set for the contract; and
  • Develop and submit an appropriate work plan for the evaluation.

An individual or firm meeting the requirements stated under the Terms of Reference will be selected from the Standing Offer list compiled by Audit and Evaluation.


Methodology will be based on examination of the SDS 2000 goals, targets and the achieved outcomes. They will be measured based on being completed initiatives. The number of regions impacted, and expected follow up. Officers of the Sustainable Development Implementation Team (SDIT) and the Green Team may be interviewed on their views of the successfulness of SDS 2000.

Time Frame

The evaluation will be initiated at the beginning of the second quarter of FY 2003-2004 and will be completed by the beginning of the third quarter of FY 2003-2004. WD expects the evaluation to commence in mid June, with a fieldwork report to be delivered by early-August 2003 and a final evaluation report to be delivered by early September.

The time frame covered by the evaluation will be the period of April 2000 to present .


Formal reporting occurs in three stages: a fieldwork presentation and report (in presentation format), a Draft Evaluation Report and lastly a Final Evaluation Report. The fieldwork presentation will be made to SDIT, the Green team, and to the Director (s) responsible for SDS 2000, to ensure that findings and preliminary conclusions are factually correct.

The Final Evaluation Report will be based on the Draft Evaluation Report and include consideration of the comments made on the draft report. The Final Evaluation Report will also be provided to A&E, and then distributed to program management and DAEC for approval and preparation of the management response and action plan. Final Evaluation Report (once approved, ATIP-cleared and translated) will be shared publicly in keeping with TB's Evaluation Policy.

Background to SDS 2000

The commitment to create a Sustainable Development Strategy dates back to 1990, formalized in law in December 1995 with amendments to the Auditor General Act, creating the position of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development ( Commissioner CESD) within the Auditor General's office. It also resulted in the requirement to develop and table a Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) in Parliament. Each department's SDS must demonstrate how the department will incorporate sustainable development principles and practices into its policies, programs and operations. An updated SDS must be tabled every three years and annual progress reports are required within the Departmental Performance Report.

The WD SDS 2000 contained several targets that were used to assess progress within WD, with our partners and through program delivery. Equally important were three fundamental commitments that improved the effectiveness of the strategy. WD made the following major commitments in this SDS:

  • Implementation of WD's SDS using an ISO 14001-based EMS
  • Development of a Performance Measurement Framework
  • Participation of WD Senior Management

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