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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of the Community Futures Program - April 2003

Evaluation Findings

This chapter summarizes the key findings from the telephone and in-person interviews with WD representatives, CFDC Board members, management, staff and partners as well as focus groups conducted with select clients and the project file and document reviews. These findings have been organized into the following categories:

A. Strategic directions and priorities.
B. Resources and program funding.
C. State of CFDC governance and management.
D. Monitoring and reporting on performance.
E. Service quality and impacts.

To better allow the reader to determine the importance of these findings, the relevant critical success factors are highlighted in gray boxes at the beginning of the section. These factors can be seen as the criteria or standards against which the state of practice can be assessed, and were drawn from generally accepted precepts for effective organizations and programs.1

1 These precepts include the CCAF-FCVI, formerly the Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation, twelve attributes of effectiveness framework.

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