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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of WD's Official Languages Action Plan 2000/2004 - May 2004

2.0 Evaluation Findings

This second section presents the evaluation findings. They are presented in the following order:

2.1 Relevance of Action Plan Content

A key issue in all program evaluations is related to relevance. In the context of this evaluation, relevance was addressed by asking interview respondents to what degree the content of the Action Plan was relevant for the communities and WD overall. Responses were the following.

WD Respondents

Overall, all WD respondents agree that the content of the Action Plan is relevant for the communities. A number of WD representatives noted that the Plan was based on extensive consultations with the communities. WD utilized Canadian Heritage's community consultations mechanisms to undertake this. This process ensured that the actions in the Plan are in tune with the priorities of the communities. The special projects, for example, are appreciated because they were suggested by the communities themselves. The "Corridor touristique francophone de l'Ouest" is one of those projects (see Case Study Box).

Case Study: Corridor touristique francophone de l'Ouest (CTFO)

The objective of the Corridor touristique francophone de l'Ouest (CTFO) is to effectively promote the four Western Canadian provinces as tourist attractions for Francophone communities in Quebec, Western Canada and abroad. The partners include the four FEDOs and WD.

Activities . The project included many activities such as trade shows and fairs in Quebec, a promotional campaign, a tourist guide, marketing kits and the distribution and circulation of these marketing tools across Quebec and Western Canada.

Impacts to Date . According to interview respondents, the four Western provinces benefited from the marketing initiatives undertaken by the CTFO. The global visibility was increased and the door was opened to potential tourists from Canada and abroad. According to a WD respondent, Francophone organizations estimate that the project contributed to a 20 percent increase of Quebec Tourists to Western provinces.

Challenge. Some respondents mentioned that communication between the FEDOs and the head office of the CTFO was at times challenging. One respondent mentioned that this has led to some duplication in marketing efforts in the past.

One WD respondent noted that the consultation process also changed Francophone community perceptions. Many community members and organizations focussed many of their developmental projects on culture. However, through the consultations, many communities realized that their culture needs a solid economic base to remain strong.

One respondent noted that the flexibility of the Plan ensures ongoing relevance of the Plan for the communities. However, despite this flexibility, it was mentioned that it was challenging to create a multi-year plan that can foresee the needs of a community.

One of the Action Plan's greatest achievements is the provision of four year core funding to the FEDOs and the inclusion of these organizations into WD's Western Canada Business Services Network.

All WD respondents agreed that the FEDOs are relevant in providing business services in French. However, one WD respondent noted that the FEDOs mandate is not exclusive to the OLA and Section 41. WD must be cautious not to impose on the FEDOs its mandate and obligations towards the OLA.

While most respondents agreed that the Plan is relevant for WD, one respondent explained that most of the work done by WD is with organizations (business, research, etc.) that work in English. French capacity development to meet service requests is less of a priority, even though "entrepreneurship is part of WD's business lines and that Francophones are part of the entrepreneur community."


The stakeholders interviewed for the evaluation also agreed that the content of the Action Plan was relevant for the communities. One respondent noted that the Plan is not only a moral engagement, but also an Action Plan for investment, which is needed in western francophone communities.

The funding to FEDOs is also considered relevant. According to one stakeholder, the CDEM (Manitoba FEDO) offers direct access to WD's products and services and is contributing to a stronger francophone presence in the economy. The variety of initiatives under the plan, including the strategic agreements and networks are very relevant.

One stakeholder noted that the Action Plan is oriented towards the FEDOs, through which WD deals with to address the needs of Francophone communities. However, in doing this, WD tends to forget the other organizations and associations in the communities that are able and willing to contribute. In the stakeholder's opinion, WD's responsibilities have been transferred to the FEDOs.

FEDO Representatives

Overall, the respondents from the FEDOs also agree that the content was relevant. Many mentioned that a consultation process ensured the relevance of the plan. One respondent mentioned that the Action is pertinent considering that the CFDCs do not really fulfill the specific needs of the Francophone clientele, as do the FEDOs.

One respondent noted that while the Plan was relevant, it needs to reflect the fact that each FEDO is not equal and is at different developmental stages. Another respondent noted that the Plan was very general and that the take-up of some components was not significant. For example, most clients in BC are not looking for loans, according to the respondent.

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