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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of WD's Official Languages Action Plan 2000/2004 - May 2004

Management Response for the Evaluation of WD's Official Languages Action Plan 2000-2004, Implementation of Section 41 - March 2005

Evaluation Comments
(based on recommendations)
Management Response
Communication Strategy Agreed  

A communication strategy should be developed to ensure that the roles of WD and of the Francophone Economic Development Organizations ( FEDOs) are understood with regards to the Official Languages Act (OLA). A communication strategy should also be devised to increase the visibility of the FEDOs and their services

A communications strategy has been addressed as an objective in the 2004-2008 Action Plan. The objective is to have an external communications strategy targeting the Official Languages Minority Community (OLMC).

Communication, Marketing and Consultations (CMC ) with support from the OLA Section 41 Team & Regions, Headquarters Programs Directorate and the FEDOs.

TARGET: May 31, 2005

In addition to the external communications activities, an internal exercise will be developed to include activities aimed at raising awareness of Official Languages Act, Section 41, encouraging linguistic duality, communicating departmental achievements, and clarifying the role of the FEDO partners in regards to providing services to the OLMC

OLA Section 41 Team, OLA Champion and Regions with coordinated efforts with CMC and Information Management & Technology (IMT) for electronic/web assistance.

TARGET: Summer 2005

Update The Needs Analysis For The Loans Program Agreed  

Although there is not enough evidence in this evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the Loans program, results indicate that there is not enough take-up of the program in some regions and that the effectiveness in other areas is not optimal. Further research will need to be conducted, including a regional needs analysis to assess various means of addressing the financial and service needs of Francophone businesses. In some areas, alternative investment programs may be considered (e.g., non-commercial projects, training, etc).

This will be reviewed through the FEDO funding renewal process, as further research and analysis will need to be conducted before a rationale can be offered for the success and/or limitations of the Loan Loss Reserve program.

HQ Programs Directorate and regions with advice and consultations with WD's Audit and Evaluation branch and WD's Capital Services.

TARGET: Fall 2005

Coordinator support Agreed  

There is evidence that the coordinators experience a heavy workload. This results from their coordinating activities as well as other OLA tasks such as urgent translation/bilingual services. WD should consider either increasing their allotted time to this role or determining ways of helping them accomplish their tasks in a more productive manner

Previous, ongoing and future workload indicators highlight the need for coordinators support. Factors include: FEDO renewal process; the new directions for OLA by the Government of Canada; new MOUs between WD and federal partners; and additional consultations with the OLMC.

Workload issues should be reviewed periodically by the Regional Management Team and appropriate action taken as required.

The OLA Champion should remain engaged and bring workload issues to Executive Committee attention as required.

TARGET: On-going, as required

Clarify Roles Agreed  

For the next Action Plan, it is recommended that the roles and responsibilities of WD, the Coordinators and the FEDOs be clarified.

The regional coordinators have specific roles within WD to support and uphold the intent of the s.41 OLA. The FEDOs are arms-length organizations that WD supports to provide business services to the OLMC. This is one of WD's mechanisms to support the vitality of the OLMC in Western Canada. In addition, the following should be noted:

- Following the FEDO evaluation, WD and the FEDO partners will undertake discussions to clarify roles, mandates and responsibilities.

HQ Programs Directorate and regions.

TARGET: April 30, 2005

These roles, mandates, and responsibilities will be communicated internally and externally through the Communications Strategy.

LA Section 41 Team (regional coordinators), Communications, Marketing and Consultations, Headquarters Programs Directorate in consultation with FEDOs.

TARGET: Ongoing

Activités de promotion Agreed  

Considering the visibility issue for WD and the FEDOs as partners, the next plan should incorporate specific actions to further promote the Department, the FEDOs and their services. Both FEDOs and WD should participate in this promotional effort.

As noted, a communications strategy has been addressed as an objective in the 2004-2008 Action Plan. The objective is to have an external communications strategy targeting the Official Languages Minority Community (OLMC).

Communication, Marketing and Consultations (CMC ) with support from the OLA Section 41 Team & Regions, Headquarters Programs Directorate and the FEDOs.

TARGET: May 31, 2005

Also as previously noted, the internal strategy to be developed includes activities aimed at raising awareness of the Official Languages Act, Section 41, encouraging linguistic duality, communicating departmental achievements, as well as promoting the partnership with and the services offered by the FEDO partners. OLA is also reflected in regional business plans. The Communications approach should be focused on:

- roles and responsibilities
- visibility

OLA Section 41 Team, OLA Champion and Regions with coordinated efforts with CMC and Information Management & Technology (IMT) for electronic/web assistance.

TARGET: Summer 2005

Results-Based Plan and Incorporation of Monitoring Strategy Agreed  

The next Action Plan should be more outcomes focussed and incorporate a performance monitoring framework. This would include

- a clear description of the FEDOs and their mandate,
- a logic model of the Action Plan,
- clear outcomes and objectives statements, and
- a performance measurement strategy.

WD has developed the Action Plan for 2004-2008 based on a logic model created with the assistance of a consultant experienced in logic model designs. The Action Plan's key activities, objectives, targets, performance measurements, and outcomes are reflective of the logic model.

OLA Section 41 Team

COMPLETE: July 30, 2004

A full description, mandate, and roles for the FEDOs will be addressed following the FEDO evaluation.

HQ Programs Directorate in consultation with FEDOs.

TARGET: April 30, 2005

Performance measurement strategy is complete as the OLA Action Plan monitoring is based on annual status report and annual regional reporting.

OLA Section 41 Team & Regions, with guidance from Audit and Evaluation branch and external consultant.

COMPLETE: July 30, 2004

Quantifiable Indicators    

Clear targets should be set for quantifiable indicators, such as number of loans provided and jobs created. These should be set based on the history of loan activities for each FEDO.

The consultant's example of using loans written as a quantifiable indicator is not an appropriate measure for an OLA target. FEDOs are partners with WD to deliver OLA s.41 deliverables and other economic development related deliverables, and WD needs to determine its success through its own activities and performance. Thus, FEDO activity should be differentiated from WD OLA activities.


WD has developed the Action Plan for 2004-2008 performance measures and targets based on the recommendations of the consultant to determine its success through its own activities and performance . Most measures are quantifiable while a few are "qualifiable" based on opinion survey results that will be undertaken near the end of the Plan's cycle.

OLA Section 41 Team

COMPLETE: July 30, 2004

FEDOs are partners with WD to deliver business services to the OLMC in Western Canada. WD is working with the FEDOs to determine and develop clear performance measures and targets for the FEDO renewal.

HQ Programs Directorate and regions

TARGET: April 30, 2005

Performance monitoring Agreed  

Performance measurement is key in demonstrating the effectiveness of the Action plan. New projects should be assessed according to specific and overall Action Plan objectives. The measurement strategy should also involve a follow-up on previous projects to assess their long-term impacts and opportunities for renewal

Performance measurements were written based on the logic model that guides the objectives and outcomes sought by the 2004-2008 Action Plan.

OLA Section 41 Team with advice and consultations with WD's Audit and Evaluation branch

COMPLETE: July 30, 2004

Project assessments are consistently evaluated based on WD's Due Diligence Report (DDR) which is implemented on-line using WD's Project Assessment Tool (PAT). The DDR assesses projects and their long-term community and economic development impacts to the West, based on the RMAF of the program used to support the project. The PAT is consistent in data collection based on the horizontal initiative identification field (Francophone projects). There is a PAT Version 2 team that continually works on enhancements.

PAT Version 2 Team

TARGET: On-going