Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation Study of the CEDO and CEDIP Programs – September 2004

4.0 Conclusions

The findings of the evaluation can be summarized in the following points:


  • Overall, both CEDO and CEDIP are viewed as relevant to the needs of the interns, the communities, the WCBSN organizations and WD. There is a recognized need for community-level interventions (vs. business level support) coordinated by the WCBSN. Both programs support these interventions by helping provide HR (CEDIP) and funds. There is, however, some debate whether CEDO should be provided on an ad hoc basis, or integrated in the overall contribution agreement of the WCBSN organizations.


  • The evaluation evidence shows that both programs are successful. For CEDIP, the findings show that interns acquire economic development-related skills and are highly likely to find employment or go to school after the internship. At the community level, CEDIP supports the WCBSN organizations’ activities and contribute significantly to community planning activities. Many WCBSN members also report impacts on local business retention as a result of the work of the interns. As an indirect impact, CEDIP also helps retain qualified youth in rural communities.
  • The delivery of CEDO varies significantly from region to region. The direct results of most projects include strategic plans and strategies for communities, although it is believed that most projects will have long-term impacts not yet measurable. A number of projects report impacts in terms of HR development in the area of economic development and expanding existing businesses. Most projects leveraged funds from other sources.

Design and Suggestions for Improvement

  • At this point, both programs are regionally delivered. This approach was supported by most respondents. However, there were concerns expressed about the approach to project selection and monitoring. According to findings, the selection criteria need to be clarified, as well as the reporting requirements. Some respondents saw the need for a more consistent approach at the pan-western level.
  • The application process is not considered timely (turnaround time between the applications and response is considered too long).
  • The average amount of funding provided for CEDIP projects has been significantly reduced over the last two years. A number of respondents said that this has had a significantly negative impact on the internships.


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