Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Review of WD’s QAR Process

Executive Summary

The Audit and Evaluation Department ("Audit and Evaluation") of Western Economic Diversification Canada ("WD") conducted a review of WD's Quality Assurance Review ("QAR") process. To assist with this review, WD contracted KPMG LLP ("KPMG").

The findings of this review are based on interviews with WD management and staff in each of four regions and headquarters, and on a high-level review of representative project files. The findings, summarized below, are not region or program specific.

  • The QAR process is limited to the completion of file content checklists for each of WD's programs. The process does not encompass:
    • An independent review of file content quality and adherence to WD policies and procedures; or
    • Issue identification and reporting of review results.
  • There is a lack of consistency across regions and programs with respect to the QAR process and the use of standard file structures and forms; and
  • Projects are not being systematically audited.

Overall, the QAR process, as followed, is not effective at ensuring appropriate steps are taken and documented throughout the life cycle of WD projects.

This report recommends that WD:

  • Build upon the QAR process to design and implement a comprehensive quality assurance management process;
  • Standardize project-related forms and files across all regions; and
  • mplement specific, formal audit policies and procedures for auditing contribution agreements (projects).

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