Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of the WCBSN – Sept 2004

5.0 Recommendations

  1. Improve WD's messaging about the WCBSN to its partners. There is a need to clarify and communicate WD's role as a regional development organization and its strategic directions to its network partners, in particular regarding the partners and the WCBSN. Members should know the "context" in which the WCBSN was created to better understand their respective roles. WD should also communicate their expectations of the network members particularly as they relate to WD's three strategic priorities of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable communities. WD could also consider providing training/information packages to volunteers to help them better understand the WD system, including WCBSN, as many key informants note that the purpose and objectives of WCBSN need to be clarified. WD could play an enabling and support role to increase members' awareness as to the value of the network. WD should continue to raise awareness of other network members (i.e. delivery structure, purpose and mandate, services and products offered).
  2. Provide consistent WD encouragement and facilitation of structured and unstructured networking opportunities among network members. Some variations were found with respect to WD's role regarding support and facilitation of networking opportunities. WD needs to ensure that networking among the partners is encouraged in all regions to ensure maximum benefits are derived from the network's potential, ensuring that all eligible clients are served in the best possible way.
  3. Review the performance monitoring system with respect to clarifying and updating the reporting guidelines and the system for gathering information. Concerns were expressed with respect to the need to streamline and clarify reporting requirements and guidelines. Some key informants expressed the need for a better automated system such as a database management system. WD should continue to examine the feasibility and potential of developing and implementing an on-line reporting system, with automated roll-ups and trend analysis. Where appropriate, partners should report against identical items.
  4. Pursue ongoing improvements to WCBSN meetings . WD should continue to facilitate WCBSN meetings and refine them to ensure that they are effective and meet both WD and partner needs. To address the concern of a number of key informants, who suggested that the semi-annual "all partner" WCBSN meetings could be more strategic, WD should continue to seek partner input to the agenda and shared responsibility with the partners for organizing the meetings. Discussions/workshops around network issues could be incorporated into these meetings. An action plan around these issues could then be developed for each meeting. There should be adequate monitoring and follow up of the actions plans.
  5. WCBSN members should seek opportunities to understand each other's mandates and activities, to refer clients as appropriate, and to share expertise among themselves and at public events. WCBSN members had varying degrees of understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities. They should actively pursue opportunities to work more closely and to seek opportunities of finding efficiencies by working together, and more effectively meeting the needs of any of their clients.

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