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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of the WCBSN – Sept 2004

Appendix B Survey Findings Alberta

Figure 1: Percentage of Members with partnerships with... Alberta

Figure 1 describes the frequency of partnership arrangements between the members and other organizations. As shown above:

  • The majority (85 per cent) of Network organizations report partnerships with other CFDCs.
  • Thirty (30) per cent report partnerships with other organizations.
  • Thirty (30) per cent report partnerships with CBSCs.

Figure 2: Relationships between CFDCs Alberta

Figure 2 describes the type of exchanges between CFDCs. According to the results:

  • Ninety-six (96) per cent report that they meet regularly to improve services.
  • Eighty-one (81) per cent of all respondents agree that the CFDCs meet regularly to improve their services.
  • A majority also agrees that network members share best practices about client training/counseling (73 per cent), share best practices about loan management (77 per cent), share best practices about community economic development and regularly exchange business information (81 per cent).

Figure 3: Relationships between network members in Alberta

Figure 3 further describes the relationship between network members. The results show the following:

  • According to the survey results, a majority of respondents (88 per cent) agree that their organization and other members of the network regularly exchange information, and that CFDCs and other members of the network meet regularly to improve services (71 per cent).
  • Only 50 per cent agree that WCBSN members share a consistent and cohesive approach to business and economic development.
  • Forty-six (46) per cent of respondents concur that the networks work cooperatively to minimize duplications between them and 33 per cent agree that network members regularly refer clients to each other.

Figure 4: Relationships between network members and WD Alberta

Participants were asked questions on the relationships between their network members and WD. According to the survey results:

  • Overall the respondents are generally satisfied with the relationship between their organization and WD, except in the area of funding. Only 30 per cent of survey respondents agreed that WD funding met the basic operational needs of their organizations.
  • A great majority (93 per cent) agree that WD staff was available to help interpret the terms and conditions of the contribution agreement between their organization and WD and 82 per cent agree that the terms and conditions of the contribution agreement are appropriate.

Figure 5: Relationships between network members and WD

Figure 5 provides additional survey information about the perceived relationship between the members and WD. As shown above:

  • A strong majority, 85 per cent, agreed that their organization had the capacity to produce quarterly reports in a timely manner.
  • Eighty-two (82) per cent agreed that the reports reflected the achievements of their organization.
  • A smaller percentage of respondents (70 per cent) agreed that their organization regularly contacts WD for support and information, and that WD is effective providing management support (65 per cent).

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