Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of the WCBSN – Sept 2004

Recommendations and Action Plan - April 2005

The following matrices outline Western Economic Diversification's (WD) response to the recommendations made by Goss Gilroy Inc. as a result of the recent evaluations of the Western Canada Business Service Network (WCBSN); the Francophone Economic Development Organization (FEDOs); the Women's Enterprise Initiative (WEI); and the Community Economic Development Opportunity (CEDO) & Community Economic Development Internship Program (CEDIP) programs.

Since many of the recommendations suggested are related to activities already underway, and time frames vary by activity, the department has committed to implement the necessary adjustments defined by March 31, 2006.

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