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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of the WCBSN – Sept 2004

3.5 Cost Effectiveness and Alternatives to WCBSN

Cost-effectiveness and alternatives

Is the network approach cost-effective, considering the WD investments and returns? Are there more cost-effective alternatives or solutions?

Overall Findings

WD key informants agree that community-based organizations such as CFDCs are cost effective given their use of volunteers and because they are uniquely placed to respond to local needs. Many also note that the FEDOs and WEI organizations provide better reach. While the majority of WD key informants and some community representatives see potential in the WCBSN, many WD key informants state that the network needs to be strengthened in order to provide additional value to the individual members. Some WD key informants state that the WCBSN is an effective tool for conveying the service delivery programs to clients.

A major challenge to strengthening the network lies in raising awareness of WCBSN and its benefits to network representatives. Concern was also expressed over the need to continue to build other local and regional networks while continuing to strengthen the WCBSN. Some WD key informants, however, saw a potential role for the WCBSN in building community capacity (e.g. exploring opportunities for innovation in rural areas, sharing of best practices and business information).

Suggestions for Improvement

WD suggestions:

  • Clarify WCBSN mandate and objectives.
  • Build understanding of members (with each other) and have discussions about what kinds of services/products they could deliver, assess how to tap into potential of network.
  • Increase Aboriginal involvement in the network (consider Manitoba as an example for providing exemplary Aboriginal programming).
  • Ensure that other contributions funding that WD provides to other organizations is linked to the services provided by the network. For example, if a not-for-profit organization wants to provide e-commerce services, WD should ensure link the organization with the existing structure through the e-Business Centre.
  • Set up a federal/provincial advisory committee for partner members. This would provide the partners with opportunities to broaden the network (e.g. strengthen partnerships with NRCan in rural areas and strengthen partnerships with provincial governments).
  • Merge CFDCs into larger areas and /or merge partners.

Other stakeholder key informants and focus group participants:

  • Utilize existing venues, meetings and conferences to ensure all network members participate.
  • Explore enhancement of connections via technology. Consider increasing use of teleconferencing and electronic presentations.
  • Improve and increase communication between WD and the network members.
  • Consistent WD support and facilitation of networking among network members.
  • Improve strategic planning among network members (would enhance allocation of project funding).
  • Improved linkages partnerships between federal and provincial governments and other economic development organizations.
  • Increase funding for HR and travel costs.
  • Provide assistance in raising profile of network members.

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