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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of the ITPP and FJST - May 2004

1. Introduction (cont'd)

1.2 Study Purpose

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the ITPP and FJST programs, providing an assessment of changes to the programs’ duration from three years to one year, and recommendations on future program directions.
The evaluation questions identified by WD in the study terms of reference fall into three categories of issues: relevance; success (achievement of objectives); and effectiveness (program delivery and management, and future directions).  The list of issues and questions covered by the evaluation study are listed below.

1.2.1 Issue: Relevance

This issue and accompanying questions examined the extent to which ITPP and FJST continue to be relevant to the needs of users and other stakeholders.

  1. Are the ITPP and FJST consistent with WD and broader government priorities?  How do the Programs directly support the WD mandate and current strategic objectives?

  2. Are the ITPP and FJST meeting the needs of SMEs in western Canada in terms of improving their abilities to export (ITPP) and improving their competitive positions through technology development (FJST)?  Does there continue to be a real requirement for these Programs?

1.2.2 Issue: Success/Impacts

This issue examined the extent to which ITPP and FJST are achieving their objectives as measured by the impacts of the initiatives.


  1. Has the Program improved the export performance of participating firms in terms of sales, and other areas such as relationships with foreign buyers and brokers, and opening up new marketing channels?
  2. How have the graduates employed through the Program helped the participating firms in improving their export performance?
  3. To what extent have graduates stayed with the firms after cessation of Program funding?  To what extent have graduates left the Program before completing their term and what impact has this turnover had on the firms and on the success of the Program?
  4. To what extent have graduates found follow-on employment with other export oriented firms in western Canada?  Have any graduates started their own businesses?
  5. Overall, has the Program achieved its objectives?  Has the change in WD funding assistance had an impact on reaching the objectives?  What have been the major impediments to success?


  1. Has the Program improved the performance of participating firms in the development and adoption of new technologies?
  2. How have the graduates employed through the Program helped the participating firms in improving their technology performance?
  3. To what extent have graduates stayed with the firms after cessation of Program funding?  To what extent have graduates left the Program before completing their term and what impact has this turnover had on the firms and on the success of the Program?
  4. To what extent have graduates found follow-on employment with other export oriented firms in western Canada?  Have any graduates started their own businesses?
  5. Overall, has the Program achieved its objectives?  Has the change in WD funding assistance had an impact on reaching the objectives?  What have been the major impediments to success?

1.2.3 Issue: Effectiveness

This issue examined the design, and delivery of the ITPP and FJST as they relate to quality client service, including the application process, reporting requirements, Program awareness, and graduate recruitment.  Possible future directions for the Programs were also considered within this issue.

Program Design and Delivery

  1. In your view, are ITPP and FJST being delivered in an efficient and effective manner?  For example:
    • Is the application process seen as clear and reasonable to client firms?  If not, why not?
    • Have firms found the reporting requirements acceptable?  If not, why not?
    • Have clients been able to attract qualified graduates to participate in the Program?  If not, why not?

Future Directions

  1. Are there alternative ways of delivering the Programs that would improve efficiency and effectiveness?  Are the most appropriate and efficient means being used to achieve the objectives of the Programs?
  2. In your view, should the Programs continue?

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