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The NATO Research & Technology Agency (RTA)

Director R & D Knowledge and Information Management (DRDKIM) of the Defence R&D Canada is the National Distribution centre for NATO RTO publications.

The NATO Research & Technology Agency (RTA) supports and co-ordinates the NATO Research and Technology Organisation in a number of activities which are outlined at NATO Defense Science and Technology

Access to RTO documents is provided online at and most of these documents are available in pdf format at that site. Quick access to general topics is provided below:

XML-RSS NewsFeed   RSS feed for the 10 most recent RTO publications.

Publications not downloadable from the above can be ordered by individuals via their National Distribution Centres.

For questions about documents, or ordering information:


Fax: 613-996-0392

Director R & D
Knowledge and Information Management
Defence R&D Canada
National Defence Headquarters
Ottawa, Canada K1A OK2

Date modified: 2006-08-08 Important Notices