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Home : Innovation : Environmental Technologies : Western Canadian Environmental Technology Forum

Closing Remarks
Secretary of State Stephen Owen

“I will commit to you that we will act as a conduit to move [these ideas] forward,” said Secretary of State Owen. The summaries of discussions heard today are part of a larger conversation. “As an enabler,” he said, “we will address the need for harmonization in federal ministries.” He said that he would bring the participants’ ideas to Mr. Martin and circulate them to new cabinet ministers, adding that he had taken many notes.

Secretary of State Owen said that the hardest dollar for government to spend is a preventative dollar, even though prevention is more cost effective. The value of a preventative investment needs to be demonstrated. This would be more effective than simply reacting to a crisis, he said.

The West has opportunities to demonstrate its knowledge through CitiesPlus, the 2006 World Urban Forum, and the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Procurement policy changes, such as through the Infrastructure Canada Program or the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, could make an immense difference, said Secretary of State Owen.

Secretary of State Owen said that Mr. Martin is analytical. He wants a defined problem, objectives, and analysis, and tested and achievable goals. The benefits of environmental technologies to healthcare and other Canadian values need to be demonstrated for government to respond.

The Aboriginal agenda is central to the upcoming Paul Martin government. Secretary of State Owen said that the federal government would like to partner with Aboriginal people.

The urban agenda represents tremendous potential for transportation and building standards.

“We have a great country,” said Secretary of State Owen, “one that is wealthy and progressive.” Progressive values are part of Canadian branding. Canada has the ability and responsibility to achieve sustainable development and can rely on Western Economic Diversification Canada for assistance.

Secretary of State Owen thanked the Wosk Centre and facilitation team for a tremendous day.

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