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Home : Innovation : Environmental Technologies : Western Canadian Environmental Technology Forum

Appendix 3:
Event Agenda

Western Canadian Environmental Technology Forum
December 4-5, 2003

Simon Fraser University
M. J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue


The purpose of the Western Canadian Environmental Technology Forum is to build greater understanding among the attendees (representatives from industry, communities, and government) about the opportunities and types of actions necessary to strengthen the development and adoption of western Canadian environmental technology, in Canada and abroad.

Desired Results:

The primary objective for the day is to identify and prioritize the most significant opportunities and supporting actions that will contribute to strengthening the environmental technology sector throughout Western Canada.

By the end of the day we will have achieved the following results:

  1. Communicated the Western Economic Diversification Canada vision for the environmental technology industry in Western Canada.
  2. Reviewed the GLOBE Integrated Summary of strengths, barriers and opportunities identified in regional studies, conducted in each of the four western provinces.
  3. Generated a prioritized list of opportunities for strengthening environmental technology development in Western Canada.
  4. Identified a list of initiatives and potential ‘collaborators’ who could take action to build on the ideas identified.
  5. Built a common understanding of the role and interests of key federal and western provincial government agencies.
  6. Identified next steps.


Reception at BC Research Inc.
Thursday, December 4, 2003
5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.



Welcoming remarks for evening
reception from Secretary of State
Stephen Owen


Tours of BC Research Complex,
• Azure Dynamics Corporation
(hybrid vehicle firm)
• Lignol Innovations (wood
residue to ethanol)
• The Ocean Engineering Centre


Refreshments and networking in
the BC Research Complex lobby


Return transportation to the
Vancouver Delta Suites




Western Canadian Environmental Technology Forum
Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue
Asia Pacific Hall
Friday, December 5, 2003
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.



Aboriginal Opening Prayer


Review of Agenda and Logistics

Charles Holmes
Lead Facilitator


Welcome and Opening Remarks

The Honourable Stephen Owen
Secretary of State (Western
Economic Diversification
Canada) (Indian Affairs and
Northern Development)


Remarks Mr. Paul Martin
Prime Minister-designate


Question and Answer Session
with Mr. Martin Hosted by Secretary of State
Stephen Owen


Remarks by Co-Chairs Oryssia Lennie
Deputy Minister, Western
Economic Diversification Canada John MacDonald
Chairman and CEO, Day4
Energy Inc. Co-founder,
MacDonald Dettwiler and


The Opportunities: A Summary
of Four Regional Studies John Wiebe
President and CEO,
GLOBE Foundation of Canada Regional Representatives




Breakout Session #1 Identification of opportunities that will:1. Facilitate commercialization of marketable products and processes 2. Improve western Canadian adoption of environmental technology 3. Expand international markets for western Canadian environmental technology


Luncheon Remarks The Honourable David Anderson, Minister of the Environment


Plenary Presentations of high potential opportunities


Breakout Session #2
Identification of initiatives and
action steps


Plenary Presentations of initiatives and
recommended action steps


What We Have Heard:
Comments by Government Representatives
• Federal
• Provincial


Closing Remarks Secretary of State Stephen Owen


Wrap Up


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