CBIC - Calgary Business Information CenterCalgary Business Cityscape

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Calgary Business Information Centre

The Calgary Business Information Centre (CBIC) is a first-stop resource, established to provide individuals with free or affordable access to useful and authoritative information for launching a business in the Calgary region.

If you are a small business owner, or planning to establish your own enterprise, CBIC offers:

                  · One-on-One Business Guidance

                  · Small Business Training Program   New this Fall!

                  · Workshops, Seminars & Community Events

                  · Website
                  · On-Line Service Provider Directory   New!

                  · Reference Library

                  · Info-Centre

                  · CBIC Bookstore


CBIC is a not-for-profit organization funded by all three levels of government and a member of the Canada Business Service Network. Together, CBIC and the Business Link- Business Service Centre promote the development and success of small business in Alberta.  Since 1996, over 100,000 clients have contacted CBIC.


Legal Notice

The Calgary Business Information strives to provide the most up-to-date detailed information possible to its clients in a timely and customer focused manner. All information and recommendations provided is done so with the intent to assist entrepreneurs and those who are thinking of starting a business venture. The Calgary Business Information staff, management and Board of Directors are in no way responsible for how a client implements any recommendations or information received, or any loss that occurs as a direct or indirect result from the use and implementation of this information.

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  • Looking for business networking and entrepreneurial learning opportunities?       Visit our Events page for events in the Calgary

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