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Home : Community Economic Development : World Urban Forum : The Learning City

The Learning City


These papers continue the international dialogue on human settlements that began with the first UN Human Settlements Conference in Vancouver in 1976. They provide an initial analysis of diverse aspects of the current urban situation and create a basis for an informed discussion and development of ideas and relevant issues leading up to WUF 2006.

The purpose of the Forum is to engage people worldwide in discussions about urban issues and to stimulate significant change across generations in the field of sustainable urban development. The United Nations has challenged Canada to develop a more interactive and participatory Forum. Consultation, dialogue and conclusions formed prior to and during the World Urban Forum will also contribute to Canada's urban agenda and will help to create a long-term legacy of knowledge and action around sustainability issues in Canada and the World.

The papers contributed to Canadian efforts in Barcelona at the 2004 WUF. Ministers and Canadian officials held informal consultations with domestic and international stakeholders while in Spain. The WUF 2006 Secretariat will take into consideration all input received from interested stakeholders to ensure that Canada meets the challenge from UN Habitat in making the WUF 2006 more interactive and participatory.

These papers have been developed with the financial support of Western Economic Diversification Canada. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors of this paper and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Government of Canada.

The Learning City theme is currently being developed by partners at Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the University of British Columbia (UBC), including John Munro and Moura Quayle. We thank Mark Roseland from SFU and Heather Scholefield from UBC for additional assistance. At the Great Northern Way Campus, we thank Gerry Moss, Bruce Clayman, Herman Mah, the Academic Committee, as well as John Robinson from UBC and Marshall Heinekey from BCIT. Thanks are additionally due to Terri Evans at SFU for a helpful review of the draft, to Céline Arcand and Margot Lacroix for translation. Finally, we would like to thank all survey respondents for their participation, commitment, and perseverance in envisioning sustainable campuses in the sustainable city.

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