Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Business Tools & Guides : Starting Your Business - A guide to resources for BC women

Key Resources

British Columbia

  • Women's Enterprise Society of BC (WESBC) serves women in business across BC, www.wes.bc.ca, This link leaves our Web site www.bbtb.ca This link leaves our Web site or phone: 1-800-643-7014.

  • OneStop BC offers business services online and at kiosks around the province. See www.bcbusinessregistry.ca. This link leaves our Web site Call the OneStop Help Desk at 1-877-822-6727 tofind the kiosk nearest you.

  • To find provincial government programs or departments, call Enquiry BC, 1-800-663-7867 (387-6121 in Victoria, 604-660-2421 in Vancouver). TTD for hearing impaired, call 1-800-661-8773 (604-775-0303 in Vancouver). E-mail EnquiryBC@gems3. gov. bc. ca.

  • International Self-Counsel Press – owned by a BC woman – offers a variety of "Start &Run" guides on enterprises such as crafts, desktop publishing, and tour guiding businesses, bed-and-breakfasts and second-hand stores. They can be found in the "Business Books" section of the Self-Counsel Press web site, www.self-counsel.com, This link leaves our Web site and in public libraries.


More Information:

For First Nations Entrepreneurs

For Ethnocultural Entrepreneurs

  • Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique, www.sdecb.com. This link leaves our Web site Phone 1-877-732-3534 (604-732-3534 in Vancouver).
  • Chinese Women Entrepreneurs Association.905 – 1788 West Broadway, Vancouver BC V6J 1V1.Phone 604-222-9789.
  • United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (SUCCESS), Business Development Centre, www.success.bc.ca This link leaves our Web site (see "Info Centre "), phone 604-732-3278.
  • Ethno Business Council of British Columbia, www.ethno.org. This link leaves our Web site Phone 604-687-6631.1361 Robson Street, Vancouver BC, V6E 1C6.

For Young Entrepreneurs

  • Young Entrepreneurs Association BC (YEABC), www.yea.ca, This link leaves our Web site 1-888-639-3222.
  • "Young Entrepreneurs," Business Development Bank of Canada. www.bdc.ca. This link leaves our Web site Phone: 1 877 BDC-BANX (232-2269).
  • Canadian Youth Business Foundation, www.cybf.ca. This link leaves our Web site

For Entrepreneurs with a Disability

  • Ministry of Human Resources (MHR)Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities, www.mhr.gov.bc.ca This link leaves our Web site (see "Information for Persons with Disabilities "). Call Enquiry BC at 1-800-663-7867 (387-6121 in Victoria, 604-660-2421 in Vancouver)for your nearest MHR office.
  • Opportunities Fund For Persons With Disabilities, www.hrsdc.gc.ca. This link leaves our Web site Phone 1-800-206-7218.
  • Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Network, www.communityfutures.ca This link leaves our Web site
  • Canada Revenue Agency's Guide for Canadian Small Businesses, Publication #RC4070 (E)Rev.01, is available in Braille or large print, or on audio cassette or computer diskette. Phone 1-800-267-1267.

For more information about women entrepreneurs:

  • "Prime Minister's 2003 Task Force Report on Women Entrepreneurs."
  • "Best Practices for Women Entrepreneurs in Canada," May 2004.Foundation of Canadian
  • Women Entrepreneurs in partnership with Business Development Bank of Canada.

Both publications are available online at www.bdc.ca. This link leaves our Web site Select "Women Entrepreneurs," then "Useful Links," then "Information ".