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Home : Innovation : Environmental Technologies : Report On The Environmental Technology Sector In Western Canada - November 2003

Findings by Region

Manitoba 6

There are over 360 companies operating in Manitoba’s environmental sector, most of which are providing goods or services related to the measurement, prevention or remediation of environmental damage to water, air, soil, as well as for dealing with problems related to waste, noise and eco-systems management. The sector also includes companies developing or marketing resource-efficient technologies that reduce material inputs, energy consumption, emissions and waste, when compared to traditional technologies.

Industry revenues related specifically to environmental activities in 2002 are estimated to be $360.4 million. (Total revenues of firms operating in the environmental industry are estimated to be $664.0 million). Most participants in the industry earn the majority of their revenue outside of the environmental sector. This makes the firms well able to manage the vagaries of environmental revenue. The industry employs 5,370 persons (full-time equivalent). Major export markets include the USA, Europe, South America, Central America and Asia.


The industry in Manitoba has strengths in Environmental Monitoring and information processing, Laboratory analysis and services, Solid waste management and recycling, Waste and wastewater treatment, Soil reclamation and remediation, Hazardous waste management and Air monitoring and control. The industry has more breadth than depth and covers many areas in the sector, but none with the same critical mass as fuel cells in British Columbia or oil and gas in Alberta. The willingness of Manitoba firms to cooperate with other players (even competitors) to advance the common cause is seen as a distinct Manitoba strength. The possibilities for consortia formation that could leverage the strength of existing (often competing firms) and work with companies such as Manitoba Hydro, already working on large export projects related to dams etc. overseas, is a solid asset for the industry.


Three distinct areas of opportunity that hold particular promise are:

  • Green Buildings, which offers the opportunity to bring together a number of Manitoba areas of expertise in energy efficient buildings and components;
  • Creating consortia, creating opportunities for aligning players involved with environmental technologies in Manitoba; and
  • The agriculture sector in Manitoba provides significant opportunities for environmental remediation of wastes and processing as well as the utilisation of crops and crop residues that are not only energy efficient but also reduce consumption of virgin material and sequester carbon/GHG.


As is the case in all Western provinces, Manitoba’s environment industry must overcome a host of problems and constraints associated with the fact that most companies in this sector are small in size, with revenues of less than $100,000 and have difficulty in obtaining and retaining sufficient staff particularly at the senior level needed to launch new technology or market development activities. The small size of firms also hinders each company's capacity for R&D, training and market development. Financing is always a concern, but in Manitoba the key issue is one of market access and opportunity awareness. Most Manitoba companies lack product launch strategies and have little understanding of important regulations or legislation that could affect their industry. These are major obstacles to innovation and market development that must be dealt with before any real progress in the realization of these opportunities can be achieved.

6 Manitoba Environmental Sector Study SWOT Analysis, Prepared for Western Economic Diversification and others by the Prairie Centre for Business Intelligence, March, 2003, supplemented by notes from stakeholder review meetings held in Winnipeg provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada.

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