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Home : Innovation : Environmental Technologies : Case Studies of Successful Environmental Technology Companies in Western Canada

From Mind to Market:
Environmental Technology Companies in Western Canada

The environmental technology sector in Western Canada is young but holds great economic promise for the region. Firms operating in this sector are generally small to medium-sized. Many companies are noted for the high quality of their technologies and expertise. Despite this potential, many lack the resources and experience to commercialize technology and expand sales.

However, examples of successful environmental technology companies are beginning to surface. The objective of this study is to investigate a sample of successful companies to uncover the factors that have led to their success. It is our hope that the experience of existing companies will provide growing environmental technology companies with a set of tools they can translate to their own circumstances.

Case Study Methodology

To begin the search for success factors, researchers selected four environmental technology companies. Researchers then focused on a defined set of business operations for in-depth analysis.

Company Selection

The research team selected one company from each Western Canadian province. The companies are diverse in their age, size, product offerings, markets served, and ownership. Despite their differences, all companies have one thing in common – they are successful. Each has taken a product or service from concept to commercialization and realized sustained revenue.

Linnet Inc.
Ground Effects Environmental Services Inc.
Carmanah Technologies Inc.
BW Technologies Inc.
Winnipeg, MB
Regina, SK
Victoria, BC
Calgary, AB
Year Founded
GIS & supply chain software
In-situ petroleum extraction
Solar-powered LED lighting
Gas monitoring devices
2003 Revenue
$5 - 10 million
> $1 million
$9.2 million
$53.6 million

Company Analysis

Researchers explored multiple perspectives and areas of business operation. Two representatives from each company, a senior executive working for the company and an active business advisor working for a related service organization, offered their observations on company success. Researchers guided this exploration through a defined set of business operations. Six areas of operation were examined to reveal specific characteristics of the successful company:

  1. The processes employed at four stages in the product development cycle: research, product development and prototyping, commercialization, and sales expansion;
  2. The strategies used to develop the business model including intellectual property and licensing, ongoing innovation processes, legal considerations, operational excellence, and mergers and/or acquisitions;
  3. The nature of partnerships with research organizations, suppliers, customers, distributors, marketing firms and incubators;
  4. The significance of financing from founder, angel, private, public and government programs;
  5. The role of human resources including skill requirements, availability of individuals, and recruitment strategies;
  6. The impact of external factors including government regulations, adoption of enabling technologies, and environmentally responsible values in society.

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