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Home : Innovation : Environmental Technologies : Case Studies of Successful Environmental Technology Companies in Western Canada

From Mind to Market
Case Studies of Successful Environmental Technology Companies in Western Canada

Message from the Minister

Stephen Owen

I am very pleased to present this compendium of case studies on successful companies in the Western Canada environmental technologies sector.

The idea for these case studies came from the Western Canadian Environmental Technology Forum, which was hosted by Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) last December. At the session, industry leaders remarked several times that "real case studies of successful companies" would be an invaluable tool for new companies and the entrepreneurs that lead them. Recognizing the need, WD has been able to respond in a practical and timely fashion.

The Western Canadian Environmental Technology Forum brought together over 120 leaders from the private and public sectors to discuss an action plan for moving the western Canadian environmental technologies sector forward. Paul Martin, then Prime Minister-designate, attended the dialogue session to speak first-hand with these industry leaders.

Prime Minister Paul Martin believes that environmental technologies are an important part of both our economic and social agenda, and that we must be ambitious if we are to leave the planet in better shape for future generations.

The case studies are a partnership between WD and the Canadian Institute for Market Intelligence (CIMI), an organization that has hands-on experience helping hundreds of early-stage technology companies to understand their business environment and bring their products to market. CIMI's expertise in providing business advisory services, market intelligence and technology commercialization support is now available to more entrepreneurs through these case studies.

Armed with these models of ingenuity, I picture innovative businesses all across the West devising new strategies and opportunities for success. The environmental technologies sector is a key component of the 21 st century economy we are building in Canada and I commend you in your efforts to contribute to this exciting undertaking.

Together, we are building a stronger West and a stronger Canada.

The Honourable Stephen Owen, P.C., Q.C., M.P.
Minister of Western Economic Diversification and
Minister of State (Sport)


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