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News Release

For Release
August 25, 2006

2006 Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp receives federal funding

Cypress Hills, Alberta — Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) today announced funding of $7,500 to support the 2006 Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp in Cypress Hills, Alberta.

The Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp is an annual one-week entrepreneurial-based camp for 70 young people ages 13 – 15 from across Southern Alberta.  Participants are divided into business teams and learn the basics of business start-up, market research, advertising, and developing business plans.  On the final day of the camp, participants operate their own business for parents and camp supporters.  The Western Economic Diversification Canada Innovation Award is presented to the business team that displays the most innovative business concept.

“This special Camp captures the entrepreneurial sprit of the West by encouraging Alberta’s youth to pursue their dreams of starting their own businesses, ”said the Honourable Monte Solberg, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.  “This investment will help give rise to the next generation of entrepreneurs who will create jobs and grow our economy.” 

The Entre-Corp Business Development Centre, based in Medicine Hat, Alberta, organizes the Youth Entrepreneurship Camp in partnership with 13 other Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs).  Western Economic Diversification Canada supports Alberta’s 27 CFDCs to provide resources to entrepreneurs and small businesses in rural Alberta.  This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp.

For additional information, contact:

Donna Kinley
Communications Manager
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Edmonton, Alberta
Tel: (780) 495-6892

Les Erickson
General Manager
Entre-Corp Business Development Centre
(403) 528-2824

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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