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News Release

For Release
June 29, 2006

University of Manitoba to receive $1.24 million for lab expansion

Winnipeg, Manitoba – An expansion of the University of Manitoba’s Nano-Fabrication Laboratory will give students and researchers access to new technologies and increased commercialization opportunities. The Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is contributing $1.24 million towards the project.

Rod Bruinooge, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, on behalf of Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, and Kerri Irvin-Ross, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Fort Garry, on behalf of Greg Selinger, Manitoba Minister of Finance, made the announcement today.

“The Canadian economy depends on our ability to move new ideas and technologies out of the lab and into the marketplace,” said Bruinooge. “Canada’s new government is pleased to invest in the University of Manitoba’s growing nano-technology capacity.”

“Manitoba is an established leader in manufacturing, telecommunications, aerospace and life sciences, sectors that can benefit enormously from nano-fabrication,” said Irvin-Ross. “It is crucial that we invest in nano-technology to remain competitive.”

Nano-fabrication refers to the construction of devices and components using molecular level, atom by atom manufacturing techniques. Nano-technology is changing manufacturing processes and has an enormous potential for a wide array of commercial applications, such as microscopic medical devices, cell phone batteries or computer chips that could fit through the eye of a needle.

“The University of Manitoba is a leader in technology transfer and commercialization in Canada,” said Dr. Digvir Jayas, Associate Vice-President of Research, University of Manitoba. “This funding will support nano-technology research at the University, an area at the global forefront of science and engineering.”

EPA funding will be used to purchase new equipment and improve laboratory infrastructure. The expansion will enable the laboratory to increase the number of researchers using the facility, as well as the number of projects undertaken every year.

The Nano-Systems Fabrication Laboratory (NSFL) at the University of Manitoba was established in 2002 to support the nano-technology efforts of Canadian researchers and industry. Since its inception more than 30 research projects have been completed, including successful collaborations with industry partners.

Under the Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the governments of Canada and Manitoba are working together and in partnership with community stakeholders on two strategic priorities – building our economy and sustainable communities. These priorities strengthen the skills of Manitoba workers and promote economic growth and diversification in the province. For more information on this and other projects funded under EPA, visit: http://www.epa.gov.mb.ca This link leaves our Web site.

For additional information, contact:

Terri Hooper
Communications Coordinator,
Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement
(204) 945-7805

Fiona MacLeod
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Graham Gork
Communications Coordinator,
Communication Services Manitoba
(204) 945-5795

Shasta Chartrand
Communications Officer,
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tel: (204) 983-0789

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