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News Release

For Release
May 12, 2006

International Trade, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Receive $2.25 Million Investment

Lorette, Manitoba – The Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is investing $2.25 million in Manitoba’s bilingual communities to advance economic development in rural communities, develop youth entrepreneurial activities, and foster international trade links with France and Belgium.

The Honourable Ron Lemieux, Manitoba Minister of Transportation and Government Services, on behalf of the Honourable Greg Selinger, Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for French Language Services, and the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, made the announcement today.

“Through this project, CDEM is establishing international trade links to fuel entrepreneurial immigration to our province,” said Lemieux. “These linkages, along with other initiatives to encourage youth entrepreneurship, will ensure our bilingual communities remain vibrant.”

“It’s vital that entrepreneurs have access to a full range of business services, which can be challenging in bilingual, rural areas. This project will address this and other important economic development initiatives,” said Toews. “Canada’s new government is pleased that our Manitoba francophone entrepreneurs are building successful business ventures.”

The project will be coordinated by the Conseil de développement économique des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba (CDEM). CDEM has been in existence for ten years, with a mandate to promote community and business development in Manitoba’s 16 bilingual municipalities in five key areas – tourism, trade, youth, community economic development, and knowledge-based economy.

“These initiatives are important to help stimulate economic growth in Manitoba’s Francophone communities and allow them to flourish,” said Denis Tétrault, President of CDEM’s board of directors.

CDEM member communities include: Rural Municipality (RM) of Ellice; RM of La Broquerie; Local Urban District (LUD) of Lorette; RM of Montcalm; Village of Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes; RM of Ritchot; Village of Saint-Claude; Town of Sainte-Anne; RM of Alexander; RM of Saint-Laurent; Village of Saint-Lazare; LUD of Saint-Léon; Village of Saint-Pierre-Jolys; RM of DeSalaberry; Village of Somerset; and the City of Winnipeg.

Under the Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the governments of Canada and Manitoba are working together and in partnership with community stakeholders on two strategic priorities – Building our Economy and Sustainable Communities. These priorities strengthen the skills of Manitoba workers and promote economic growth and diversification in Manitoba. For more information on this and other projects funded under EPA, visit: http://www.epa.gov.mb.ca. This link leaves our Web site

For additional information, contact:

Terry Hooper
Communications Coordinator,
Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement
(204) 945-7805

Jacquie Sippola
Communications Officer
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Tel: (204) 983-0280
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Graham Gork
Communications Coordinator,
Communication Services Manitoba
(204) 945-5795

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